His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1968: Our relationship is related (28)

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Lu Kaixin's popularity in the crew was really good. Some of the elders in the crew and the makeup artists and prop artists liked her very much, and the screenwriter sister also liked her very much.

And the happy good relationship is not because she is Bai Yan's girlfriend, mostly because she has a sweet mouth and a good personality, so everyone is willing to interact with her.

The screenwriter's sister is Yan Kong. She likes happy faces. She also said that the heroine of this book must be a prosperous beauty.

At this moment, happy and entangled with her, the screenwriter sister is also extremely patient, looking at the happy face does not sigh, it is really exquisite, perfect flaws can not be found.

"Sister Deng, maybe you can change the plot a little bit," Happy smiled slightly, and her three fingers clasped together: "Just change a little, slightly a little."

Since it's going to change the show, it's better to rectify Bai Yan.

"Where do you say you are dissatisfied," said Deng, a screenwriter who spoke very well.

If other actors see it, it is estimated that they will open their mouths in amazement, because the screenwriter is usually very cold. Especially Meng Xueyin, although she was the heroine, she asked Deng to change the plot. The screenwriter usually asked the director if there was an excuse for this excuse, which was difficult to push.

"It ’s just the drama here. Since it ’s Yan Sheng who wants to be good with Ye Ji, and then move Ye Ji, I think they can meet some assassins. At this time, Yan Sheng can still be injured, and then he ca n’t move Ye Ji at all So he put Ye Ji on the scooter, and then tried his best to bleed Ye Ji back to the palace, bleeding blood step by step. "

A pig's daughter-in-law? Who is rare to be his wife-in-law, she doesn't want him to carry it, lying on a scooter and letting someone drag it forward is much better than carrying her.

Writer Deng heard that her face was slightly embarrassed. She really wanted to help.

But the plot changed unreasonably.

"He is the king. He took Ye Ji where he traveled in the palace. How could there be no guard? After driving the assassin away, it would not be just him. If he was injured, he would sit and let the guard hold him. Ye Ji. "The real rationality is that Ye Ji was bitten by a poisonous snake, and as a king, he naturally took up his concubine.

The logic is illogical, as if the establishment cannot be changed in this way.

"So, Ye Ji hates there because of her love, shouldn't she throw a slap?"

Writer Deng couldn't help crying: "You and Bai Yan, have you two quarreled?"

"No, why would you say we have a fight?"

"Otherwise, why would you think of domestic violence in front of everyone ?!"

"Well! Not domestic violence ..."

Before the happy words were finished, he was interrupted by a voice. Bai Yong's long arms were folded back on the happy shoulders, and he smiled slightly at the screenwriter Deng: "Sorry, I made you laugh."

"It's okay." Writer Deng looked at the two with bright eyes. Nima Nima is really so loving. The next line of the script can take this type of love, and it will definitely kill a lot of people.

The make-up scene started. Before the start of the filming, I was happy, but I carefully read the script. It was very clear. The student carried Ye Ji on his back, even if he was very tired, because he was a bit weak due to the snake venom. There are still no prosthetic others.

Because of this, Ye Ji was so moved.

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