His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1972: Our relationship is related (32)

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Bai Ye heard the words, the corners of his mouth hooked uncontrollably, and the arc was getting bigger and bigger, but the next second, when he saw himself thinking with a gossip, his eyes were ambiguous, and the light of anticipation flashed, He immediately retracted the corner of his mouth and said coldly, "OK, go and ask Chen Dao, when will the next show start?"

After reading it, he left with a smile.

As soon as the lounge door was closed, he pretended to be cold, and immediately laughed.


The show has begun, the models in front appeared one by one in clothes.

With the end of the dynamic rock music, the melodious guzheng rang, and the joy of a red dress came out slowly.

The euphemistic, low-pitched sound of the piano sounds like a breeze and flowing water, and it echoes in the air like an extravagant sound, which is intoxicating and refreshing.

Happiness accompanies the music slowly, unlike the Yueyue Qingfeng of the music. When the model in the red dress sways and walks out slowly and elegantly, it gives people an indescribable shock and gorgeousness. .

The flaming red dress has a faintly visible Phoenix texture on the hem. As the steps move, it looks like a delicate and vivid phoenix.

The exquisite and small face does not have too much exaggerated makeup, but it is more dazzling than all models, as if using the magic of a fairy, can hook everyone's souls!

Lin Lingdi, who was sitting under the stage, also had a deep shock and a strange expression in her eyes.

The **** the stage, like a natural flasher, even if she is nothing at all, just under the name of Bai Ye's girlfriend, but all over her, reveals a kind of unattainable queen field.

She was indifferent and noble, arrogant and domineering. When she walked away from the platform, her eyes looked faint as if she were looking down at the mortal goddess.

Lin Lingsong never thought that Bai Yan would look at Lu Kaixin only because of a face, because Bai's face is already amazing on earth.

But now, she thinks that Bai Ye may look at this happy Lu, just because of this face,

The catwalk was very successful. The designer stepped out and took the time. The applause was deafening and there was no peace for a long time.

After having said goodbye to the designer, she was ready to unload and leave. She saw a man standing in the aisle not far away, about thirty years old, in a business suit. When she saw her, her mouth slightly twitched and smiled slightly. Just a little aggressive in that kind of laugh.

Happy doesn't like this look, and she thinks what will happen next.

So she confessed Qixi and would not go home for any meal.

Qixi focused on her head. Of course, she knew that she couldn't just make happy to participate in the dinner. After all, the circle was really chaotic. She promised her brother that she would take good care of her.

Then it was useless to refuse some meals. When they left, two bodyguards suddenly blocked their way.

"Miss Lu, we always want to invite you for a meal." Said the invitation, but this stand is more like forcing, not giving a rejection at all.

Qixi was a little anxious and looked anxiously happy.

Lu Kaixin just smiled coldly: "I'm sorry, I don't know President Zhou, so I didn't agree to his invitation."

The two of them froze slightly, probably did not think of Lu Kaixin, but they would refuse so directly, and then he said, "Miss Lu, please don't make us embarrassed?"

Happy sneer: "You have come to embarrass me, and do not want me to embarrass you, I am not the reincarnation of Mary Su!"

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