His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 2139: Shock! She is actually Lu Jin (29)

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At this moment he was holding the phone in both hands, his thumb was constantly sliding on the screen of the phone, his expression was serious, and he seemed to exude murderousness. People who did not know thought he was dealing with something important.

But it is actually playing games.

Upon hearing the footsteps, Lu Mu raised her eyes and glanced at Chu Zhuo who appeared.

Because of the quarrel before, Chu Zhuo smiled embarrassingly at Lu Mu's eyes, then waved his hand: "HI, Mu brother."

But when her voice sounded, Lu Mu buried her head and continued playing her game.

Lu Kaixin, who was on the phone, saw Lu Mu's attitude, and immediately voiced him: "Little devil, your little girlfriend is here. What game do you play? Hurry up."

Chu Zhuo blushed and waved for the landing happily: "Sister Jin, not a girlfriend ..." Although she also wanted to be Lu Mu's girlfriend, Lu Mu was always cold-hearted and ignored her. Yes, she didn't know what Lu Mu thought.

She glanced at Lu Mu and continued to play the game, expressionless, as if she hadn't heard anything from sister Jin.

Chu Zhuo pursed his lips, stepped forward, glanced at the screen of Lu Mu's phone, and heard the sound coming from the phone: "DOUBLEKILL!"

This game seems like a lot of classmates in her class are playing, what's the name ... She thinks with her eyes brightened, "Brother Mu, you also play King Glory?"

Lu Mu glanced up at her and said "um" lightly.

This seems to be no different from the usual relationship, so he should not remember the quarrel, and she won't be angry with her right now.

Chu Zhuo was in a good mood. She immediately sat next to Lu Mu and said while watching Lu Mu playing a game, "This game is quite fun, and I also like to play it."

In fact, she only knew the existence of the glory of the king, but she never played it once.

Hearing her, Lu Mu paused with the hero's hand in the game, looked up at her again, and asked, "What grade do you have?"

em ... what is the rank? Chu Zhuo was a little embarrassed, and there was a row above his forehead? ? ? ? ? ?

She didn't understand what the rank meant.

Lu Mu watched her not speak and asked softly, "Bronze?"

Chu Zhuo glanced at him, and immediately lowered his head, and said, "It seems ... it's bronze."

What bronze is, she does n’t know at all, but at this moment, it seems that she can only be bronze. After all, she just said that she also plays, but she ca n’t express herself in front of Lu Mu. In fact, she knows nothing and has never played. For a while, I just couldn't figure it out.

As soon as Lu Mu acknowledged that she was a bronze player, she turned around and continued to play the game seriously.

Chu Zhuo also bowed her head, afraid to pop out words that she did not understand at all from Lu Mu's mouth, and she dared not say anything.

She ran to the bathroom, and immediately searched the Internet to search for the king's glory. What does bronze mean?

Then, she learned that the original glory of the king had seven ranks: stubborn bronze, order silver, glorious gold, honorable platinum, eternal diamond, supreme star, and the strongest king.

Therefore, bronze is the lowest grade, Chu Zhuo covered her face, she even admitted that she was a bronze grade.

No wonder Lu Mu no longer cares about her, she turned out to have been abandoned.

The glory of the king is plain, it is a game of pushing a tower.

The map is divided into three roads, namely the upper road, the middle road, and the lower road. After pushing the towers on the three roads and then destroying the opponent's crystal, you win.

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