His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 2212: What is the difference between love and like (12)

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Lin Yanyan immediately refused: "No!"

Today's seduce is not all without effect. She still felt Zhan Xuantian's heart moved. Since she also likes him, why didn't she accept her?

She always finds the reason.

Alas, why did she like a wood! !!

Chu Zhuo held Lin Yanyan's hand and wanted to comfort her: "Sister Yan Yan ..."

I didn't want her to be finished, Lin Yan stood up and said, "Huh! I know that he will rest for two days, and then he will definitely not be in the army. At that time, I saw what excuse he was looking for! Take a bath and sleep !! "

Take a step and head straight for the bathroom.

Chu Zhuo was stunned, this blood-healing was too fast!

Ye Xingkong shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly, "It's good to get used to it."

"Why does Miss Yan Yan have to be the war instructor? I saw a lot of handsome soldier brothers in the barracks. I feel that with the conditions of sister Yan Yan, I can really find a better one ..." She really felt that war instructor Quite generally, following Xiaobai's brother, another instructor standing beside him seemed to feel more handsome.

"If it's so easy to give up, you won't like it." Ye Xingkong replied.

Chu Zhuo blinked twice: "You can't give up easily if you like someone, right?"

Ye Xingkong laughed: "Of course, life is alive, it is rare to meet a person you like, naturally you have to fight for it."

Chu Zhuo was a bit sleepless tonight.

Brother Mu has always been very kind to her, and now she is not sure whether Brother Mu is with Du Wenli, so why not ask her or confess to Brother Mu?

What if Brother Mu refused her?

If you really refuse, then refuse it, you can't try it without trying it.

Miss Xingkong is right. It's really not easy to meet someone you like. Don't say that I don't know if he has a girlfriend now, and I'm sure he likes it. Even if he doesn't like herself, she should work hard.

As long as he doesn't have a girlfriend ...

So whether you confess or not, you must ask Brother Mu whether he has a girlfriend.


Two days later, Lin Yanyan rested. She changed her military uniform and wore a long, slim dress with a big breast and a thin waist. As a woman, Chu Zhuo couldn't help whistling and gave her a thumbs up.

Lin Yanyan went to find Xuan Tian and rushed straight away.

Don't wait for her, avoid it, she also has a way to find him!

Zhan Xuan left the barracks before daylight. Since Lin Yanyan said that she would rest today, she would definitely come to her, so he didn't want to be quiet.

After visiting the wounded comrade in the hospital, Zhan Xuantian planned to go to the mall to buy something and mail it back to his parents to his parents.

As a result, I saw the car and stood on the mall square, looking at Lin Yanyan with a smile.

His schedule was unscheduled and he did what he wanted, how could Lin Yanyan know he was here.

Is everything a coincidence or fate?

He didn't believe it, just didn't know what method she used to find his address.

"What a coincidence, War Instructor, do you come to this mall to buy things?" Lin Yanyan greeted with a smile, her eyes seemed to be glued to Zhan Xuantian, and it was as if it was melting him.

Zhan Xuantian reluctantly looked away.

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