His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 784: Never if (14)

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Thinking of Zhao Xinai, Shang Mo suddenly remembered that he still likes women, his sexuality is generally born, and he has no interest except for Rong Mo, the long-looking man.

He thinks it is probably because of the recent high work pressure that has made him a little tired.

He hopes to give himself a vacation.

I also hope that when I get home, I can have a partner who can truly relax and rejoice.

It is best for this partner to be as good as he wants, regardless of his looks and personality.

Let him be bored and bored everywhere.

Rong Mo is young and beautiful, calm and restrained, not much talking, gentle nature, being polite and courteous, getting along with him, but also very comfortable, like Mu Chunfeng.

Even more rare is that he is very smart.

Rong Mo is the first person who can make him still find nothing wrong.

Such tolerance, conforms to all his fantasies about his partner.

That's why this illusion is born, and that's just an illusion.

Rong Mo Rong Mo, but he spawned a man.


Rong Mo didn't know at all, Shang Mo's tangles and thoughts at the moment.

What happened today just made her feel very depressed. She hasn't figured it out yet. Why Zhu Yuyu likes her so much, they just know it.

And Shang Mo, how could she think she wanted to borrow Zhu Yuyu's position.

She has been in contact with Shang Mo for a long time. She doesn't know everything about his temperament, but she knows everything.

Shang Mo's disposition is arrogant and indifferent. The glasses are his cover for himself. He is actually a very difficult person. He also has special revenge. It is best not to offend. If you accidentally offend him, , Then it is estimated that the future will not be better.

She still had a pony tail, don't accidentally offend him.

Of course, when you find a suitable opportunity, you should move out.

Thinking so much is useless, even if Rong Mo is depressed, but still sleeps well.

But Shang Mo wasn't so good. He didn't sleep well all night. The whole person was particularly unconscious, and his temples were a little sour.

The next day when Rong Mo saw him, he clearly felt that the air pressure in his body was low, and his eyes were deep and cold, and he accidentally glanced at it, reaching the bottom, and it was just as cold as the storm coming to the sea .

It seems that yesterday's incident left a serious sequelae. She has to be careful these days, so don't anger Shang Mo.

She pretended that nothing had happened, smiled at Shang Mo, and gave him a bowl of porridge.

Last night, he fell asleep lying directly on the sofa, his back was awake, and he seemed to have a cold, and his nose was stuffed.

When seeing him from time to time, Rong Mo gently rubbed his nose, and asked with concern: "Are you cold and have a cold?"

Shang Mo's breathing was stagnant. He didn't expect that he was so kind to him yesterday. He still cares about him today.

"A little ..." It wasn't a cold, just a little uncomfortable.

"I have cold medicine there. I'll go up and get it for you." Rong Mo said, laying down his bowl and getting up to leave.

"Sit down!" Shang Mo commanded, and he softened his voice in the next sentence: "No more, no medicine."

His expression was cold and cold, but there was a feeling of unclearness in his chest. He seemed so touched by Rong Mo's concern?

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