His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 786: Never if (16)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Looking at the front, Shang Mo's magnificent handsome face, Rong Moyao, did not respond for a long time.

And Shang Mo also stunned.

They both looked at each other quietly, their gazes hang in the air, as if something was still, the breathing between them was close at hand, and they blended together.

Atmosphere, ambiguous, rising in the air

This is not the first time Shang Mo has looked at Rong Mo so closely, but it is the first time that she has observed her so carefully.

He was surprised to find that Rong Mo, who looked closely, turned out to be so handsome.

Shan Fengyan is quite cold and sharp, just like the blade, showing toughness and coldness, but the nose is small and round, showing the taste of innocence and playfulness.

It's really hard to imagine that a person will separate coldness and innocence from innocence and simplicity. These two completely different feelings write such a fresh and elegant, soft taste.

And on her body, the clean, pure and independent temperament that radiates from the inside out is very attractive.

The feeling is like a picture scroll full of Zen, always so intriguing and happy.

However, he thinks that Rong Mo's lips are the best-looking, different from the popular **** thick lips, or the sweet smile lips, or the thin, cold lips.

Her lips were like petals blooming, especially when her lips were slightly open at this time, there was a kind of laziness and sensuality that was unknown.

Shang Mo felt as if he had been deceived as a whole, but Gui sent him closer, trying to kiss Rong Mo's lips.

When Mr. Shang's mind was tumultuous, and his heart was in a mess, Rong Mo didn't feel well.

She stared at Shang Mo dullly for a moment.

Seeing Shang Mo's lips getting closer and closer to her, she seemed to want to kiss her ... Rong Mo awakened like a dream, and her eyes widened sharply.

She thought that Zhu Yuyu liked herself and Shang Mo's attitude.

There is nothing to say that he must be the hottest male star in the entertainment industry. Why, because I don't want her to be with Zhu Yuyu, what is the most important thing in the entertainment industry is the hidden rules.

Thinking of Shang Mo ’s man-eating personality, is it true that Shang Mo is to her ... Thinking of that possibility, Rong Mo suddenly felt angry.

As if I was not facing Shang Mo at this moment, but a big monster, and now I was opening my mouth, as if to swallow it at the next mouthful.

Uncomfortable, anxious, irritable and restless.

Seeing that his lips were only a few centimeters away from himself, it seemed that he would stick to his lips in the next second. The string in Rong Mo's head was finally not stretched, and suddenly Gaba broke! !!

She straightened sharply, and the burglar stepped back in general.

This move of Rong Mo also brought Shang Mo back to God.

He was also startled by his movements, and stood conditioned.

Seeing Rong Mo's face was perplexed, and he looked at himself with a doubtful alertness, and that look as if looking at a different kind of eyes made his whole body tasteless.

He could guess what Rong Mo was thinking at the moment, with a calm face and a cold snorting: "I'm not gay!"

Dropping this sentence, he left his sleeve.

Rong Mo: "..."

Well, she knows that he is not homosexual, he is bisexual.

Bisexuality is more scary than homosexuality! !!

Fortunately, she carefully reviewed the contract today. There was nothing wrong with the contract, otherwise she was really afraid that Shang Mo would use the contract to let her do some transactions with him.

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