His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 798: High sweet ahead, please be careful! (8)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Who is Chihiro?

Who is Chihiro?

Who is Chihiro?

These four words echoed in everyone's mind like echoes.

Shen Lingshuang thought that his grandson's mother was finally eye-catching? When his son didn't know each other at all, and was disappointed, he heard Grandson Xiaobai say: "Dad lies."

Xiao Bai's eyes were bright, and he made a glutinous voice, which seemed very puzzled, and his face seemed to be thinking about something.

He looked puzzledly and landed and said, "Dad, obviously in the mall, we obviously met that Aunt Chihiro, you know her clearly, and I ask you if she is my mother, why do you say you do n’t know today? ? "

It's really a pitman! !!

Shen Lingshuang looked at his clever grandson and really wanted to give her a thumbs up.

When you know it, you know why you have to tell lies.

This is obviously trying to cover up.

Shen Lingshuang looked at Lu Yanzhi's gaze and became deepened.

And when Lu Yanchen made a noise in his elder brother, he felt that something was wrong, and the ink-colored pupil concealed his surprise.

He didn't think of his elder brother, he would just say that he didn't know him ... It turned out that the four brothers would most likely act as the boss.

Time frowned slowly, muttering, "Don't know Chihiro? How could it be, Chihiro said he knew the big brother, and you two might still ..."

Talking, she raised her finger to shake, then landed on Xiaobai unstablely.

Although the following words were not stated, everyone understood the meaning, maybe you two still have a little white.

Lu Yanzhi threw the puzzle pieces back into the box, then stood up. The tall and tall man with a slender back, stood there with his back straight, in a military uniform, looking handsome and majestic, looking at the time with cold eyes, With a touch of deep, deep color.

Time just happened to meet Lu Yanshang's grim ink pupils. She felt a sense of killing inexplicably, and it seemed to have a **** smell.

She was startled, her teeth bit her lip, her eyes dodged subconsciously, and when she saw Lu Yanchen next to her, she walked obediently and hugged Lu Yanchen like a little daughter-in-law.

Lu Yanchen held her shoulders, smiled at everyone and said, "Sorry, she will tell the truth if she drinks too much."

Lu Yanzhi's eyebrows frowned and his eyes were cold and stern, and he was very angry: "..."

Lu Yanchen didn't care much, and picked up the quiet time: "I took her up to rest."

After Shiguang and Lu Yanchen came upstairs, Shen Ling paired his eyes and looked suspiciously at the eldest son: "Your words, what did Shiguang just mean, wouldn't Chihiro really be Xiaobai's mother?"

Xiaobai next blinked his eyes and stared at the words for a moment.

Lu Yanzhi looked at the big one and small one, looked questioningly at himself as a suspicious character, and said coldly, "You should ask the drunk man, not me."

Speaking, walking elegantly, go out towards the door!

Shen Lingshuang was a bit helpless. One or two of his sons couldn't worry about it. He shouldn't have asked directly like this just now. He should turn around and talk about it.

If I return directly to the army, I don't know when I will return.

Thinking like this, she walked to Xiaobai, "Do you want a mother?"

"Okay?" Xiaobai immediately lifted his jaw slightly, not looking very interested.

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