His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 800: Sweet ahead, please be careful! (10)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

The dense forest at night was shrouded in thick fog, and it was extremely embarrassing. A girl ran hurriedly, as if her heart was about to jump out of her chest.

There was no road in the mountain, she didn't know where she ran, and she slipped under her feet. She accidentally stepped on the slope, and fell aside when she crooked ...


Chihiro screamed, sweating, and suddenly woke up.

She stared at the ceiling with wide eyes and found that she was at home. What happened just now was just a dream, a dream that had happened before.

She touched her cheek with both hands, only feeling cold.

Chihiro saw her water glass, then opened it, tried the temperature just right, and drank it all up. The warm water flowed through the throat into the body, and she became comfortable immediately.

... how big day, but just want to take a lunch break, somehow dreamed of that time, what happened recently?

Is it because I saw that child?

Or is it because of a sudden conversation with time?

Or is it because you are engaged to Ishizawa?

But what about engagement?

This is not her first engagement.

Every woman is born eager to find a good man, know each other and love, and then grow old in a holy marriage.

When she first engaged, she really thought she had found a good person.

However, shortly after the engagement, the person whom she liked when she was young and thought she would fall in love with her life, but took her as a transaction.

The despair of being abandoned, betrayed, and abandoned, sad enough to feel that the whole world has collapsed.

It took a long time to fall off the cliff in my dream. It has taken so long. Now I think of it, it is still the same as yesterday.

At that time, she didn't think about it, she might as well just die and end her naive and stupid self.

But she didn't fall. The man held her hand tightly and dragged her up.

The mysterious man is indifferent, mysterious, and righteous.

He hugged her and said to her: You and me!

Very simple four words, but she was moved.

After that, he was really nice to her, so that she felt joy and warmth in the most desperate times, and at that time she felt that it was the best person in the world besides her father. !!

At that time, she didn't know his identity, she even thought silly, no matter who he was, even if he was a fire, she was willing to be a moth.

At that time, she also found herself, she didn't even like her fiance so much, even if the young girls grew up together.

Or more, for that fiance, she just has habits.

That's why she fell in love with him so quickly, so that she could truly appreciate what it is to love a person, knowing that love can be so strong, and loving a person can change a person.


"Xun, here you are."

The assistant's voice rang outside, interrupting Chihiro's thoughts.

Su Qianzhang turned back, waved his face and went out.

She went to the bathroom first, and when she came back, she walked on the aisle, stopped subconsciously, and turned to look at the end of the aisle on the right, where a tall figure stood.

The light was dim and his face was dim, but there was a coldness in his eyes.

Chihiro froze for a while. Even though he had looked for many years, he could still know who it was at a glance.

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