His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 802: Sweet ahead, please be careful! (12)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Xiaobai locked himself in the room, and no one knocked at the door, only letting him in when time knocked.

Seeing the time, Xiaobai poked his lips, hugged her and shouted aggrievedly: "Xiao."

Time comforted his back: "What's wrong? Why lock yourself in the room?"

"Dad is a badass, Lu Yanzhi is a badass, super big badass."

When I heard Xiaobai scolded his elder brother so seriously, time was inexplicably laughing, because I felt so cute and felt that I should n’t have thought this way. I could n’t help but cough and said, “Be good, do n’t be angry, take you out How about playing? "

Xiaobai shook his head stubbornly: "I don't, I'm going to be angry, to be angry with Lu Yan, he's a fool, and I'm not a three-year-old kid, I lied to me that there is no mother, if I do n’t have a mother, where do I go Come?"

Time scratched his little nose and teased him with a smile: "Maybe it was picked from a trash can."

Xiaobai pursed his mouth: "You said the same thing as grandma, I didn't pick it up from the trash can, you adults deceive people."

The more he talked and the more angry, his eyes became red: "Mum never went to school to pick me up, dad rarely picks me up, grandma picks me up, little fat man always laughs at me, dad doesn't hurt mom or love."

As time passed, a bit of sourness was born in his heart: "Your dad didn't take you away, he was too busy ..."

Xiaobai hurriedly asked, "What about the mother? Why do other children have mothers, I don't have a mother, I don't want to pick it up in the trash."

Some words that scare a child are, in the eyes of a smart child, most likely the truth of fear.

Time was sorry and said with guilt: "Of course you didn't pick it up in the trash can. I just made a bullshit, but just wanted to make a joke with you."

Xiaobai said with a "wow", crying in the arms of time: "But mom doesn't want me to be ..."

Time hugged him sadly and coaxed: "Of course it's fake."

"Then why my mother didn't show up, is it because I'm so annoying." Xiao Bai cried sadly.

"Of course not, we Xiaobai are so cute and so cute, how could your mother not like you, your mother must be lost and cannot find you for the time being." Time gently held him in his arms and returned it to him Tell Xiaomao to find her mother.

"Really?" Xiao Bai looked up at her, looking forward.

"Of course. Didn't you say that someone with a leading role will lose memory? Your mother must be the leading role, it must be amnesia. When she thinks of you, she will come to you."

"What if you keep losing memory?"

"After the protagonist loses memory, he will recover his memory."

With the comfort of time, Xiaobai was much happier.

Always follow the time, even the same night, also asked to sleep with the time.

To this end, Xiao Bai and Lu Yanchen coquettishly, "Uncle, I like you!"

He seemed to pounce on Lu Yanchen.

Lu Yanchen lifted his eyes and glanced at him, standing beside the helpless time, immediately understood what it meant.

He refused: "No."

"Uncle, you are the best!"

"Uncle, Dad is a big bad guy."

"Uncle Little Uncle, I love you ..."

Xiaobai has been selling cuteness with Lu Yanchen, and time has gone and his heart is gone!

But Lu Yanchen didn't eat this set at all and called his brother directly.

Soon Lu Yanzhi came over, despite Xiaobai crying, screwed him back to the bedroom.

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