His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 810: Sweet ahead, please be careful! (20)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

When time came out of the provincial team, when he was about to go to Su Qianyu and Xiaobai, he received a call from his elder brother. He asked her indifferently where he was.

"Xiaobai is ... my friend, I'll pick him up now," Shi Guang felt inexplicably unpredictable.

"Give me the address, I'll pick it up." Lu Yanzhi's tone was overbearing and he couldn't tolerate his beak.


"When did my son become an illegitimate child," Lu Yan insisted, his tone a little impatient: "Address!"

Time was almost subconscious, and told Lu Yanzhi the address of the hot pot restaurant.

Inexplicably panicked, I feel that there is a gust of wind behind my back, making my hair spine. Is there any major event?

Chihiro ’s identity, to check her news, generally search on Weibo, always find something, time online, and really saw Chihiro took Xiaobai to eat hot pot, was photographed, and uploaded to Online.

Although the map on the Internet is ambiguous, it can be seen that it is Chihiro and Xiaobai.

Even though Chihiro was wearing a hat and a mask, it was still recognizable, because Chihiro was wearing a mask and a hat, and Xiaobai was also wearing a hat. The thick scarf almost covered his chin and mouth.

So they only showed their eyes and looked a bit similar in the blurry photos.

Therefore, after the netizens took the upload, those marketing numbers and media numbers became directly, and Chihiro took his illegitimate child to dinner.

In addition to the first news from netizens, it was immediately deleted.

The photos that Xiaobai exposed in the media later were all mosaic, so most people on the Internet did not believe it.

I was frightened after watching the time, and my hair was a little bit hairy.

Brother will not be angry and then do something bad ... Come and call Lu Yanchen quickly.

"Lu Yanchen, it's not good, it's bad, something big has happened! What about the big brother who won't treat Chihiro?"

"What's wrong?" Lu Yanchen asked indifferently.

"I'll tell you later, I will pass an address to you, you will pass immediately, I will pass now?" Shiguang got in the car, pressed the hands-free, sent an address to Lu Yanchen, and at the same time about things and Lu Yanchen Say it.

She is afraid of her elder brother. The elder brother is the captain of the special brigade. He has not experienced a lot of guns and bullets. When he is not talking, he always feels **** and killing. This will not kill anyone if he starts a fire. Come better.


Su Qianyi was so speechless that he thought the boy was her son?

She glanced at Xiaobai who was devoted to eating, and then looked at the comments that Xiaobai said exactly like her on the Internet, only to find that their eyes were blind.

Where is it exactly the same?

This boy is clearly like Lu Yanzhi, but he is nothing like her.

It was her son who made the rumor, and opened his eyes to talk nonsense.

She quit Weibo and sent a message to Shiguang, asking when she would arrive. Shiji quickly returned a message saying that she had set off on the road.

Su Qiandi put down his phone, poured a glass of boiling water, and drank slowly.

She watched Xiaobai put down her chopsticks, wipe her mouth with a paper towel, and asked, "Done?"

After Xiaobai wiped his mouth elegantly, he picked up his chopsticks again and raised his eyes to look at Chihiro. "not yet."

He stretched his short and short hands to prepare dishes.

Su Qianzhen immediately took a step ahead of him, "I'll come."

Then he gave him another small bowl of vegetables.

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