His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 813: High sweet ahead, please be careful! (twenty three)

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Unlike Time and Lu Yanchen, Su Qianyi's entire body instantly exploded, and he sweared at Lu Yan and said, "You're neurotic!"

The furious Su Qianzheng had not thought of time.

Just recognize a godmother, don't you need to be so angry? Is there anything in between that makes Chihiro unacceptable?

Time gave a subconscious glance at the big brother Lu Yanchi. He looked at Chihiro, his eyes were dark, and there was no emotion, but there was a feeling of wind and rain, it seemed to be soaring next second.

No need to stop it?

Don't need to relax?

She stretched out her hand again and pulled Lu Yanchen's sleeves. Lu Yanchen glanced at her. It was a matter of concern, and she hung up in a high position, and took the vegetables directly to her mouth.

Time: "..."

This ... is really broad-minded. .

Xiaobai looked at Chihiro and shouted dumbly: "Aunt ~~"

After an afternoon contact, Xiaobai still liked this aunt very much. He saw that the aunt was getting better and better with him and thought that the aunt also liked him.

Dad said that when she was a godmother in the future, he was actually looking forward to it.

As a result, the aunt was angry, and it can be seen that the aunt still did not like him as before.

Xiaobai is very sad.

Su Qianyi condensed slightly.

She looked at Xiaobai, and her mood was very complicated. She knew that she should not, and transferred the adult's grievances to the child. Make her sad.

Chihiro stabilized his mind, looked at Xiaobai, and drew a stiff smile: "It was someone you were scolding, not you," it was your dad.

Lu Yanzhi gave Chihiro a glance, and thin lips whispered, "Since this is the case, you are a **** '."

Rejected coolly: "Thank you for your kindness, but unfortunately I am not interested in being someone else's godmother."

Lu Yanchen's voice was low: "Are you not interested or guilty?"

Guilty conscience? What's wrong with her? !! Su Qianyi is almost furious!

This Lu Yan laughed, but he was mean and vicious, hiding indifference word by word.

She raised her eyes to look at him, those eyes did not have any temperature, but there was an aversion to eating naked, and her lips were raised upwards with infinite irony.

She couldn't calm down, and stood up suddenly: "Yeah, I'm guilty, unlike some people who don't have any sense of life!"

Leaving this sentence, she no longer cares about any etiquette, no longer tangled in any face, and left directly.

The next second, Lu Yanzhi also stood up and left with Su Qianyu.

Time looked at their back in stun.

Xiaobai worried and asked, "What happened to Dad and Auntie?"

"They went out and talked about something serious," after the time soothed Xiaobai, turned to look at Lu Yanchen, and asked with anxiety, "Let's not go and see?"

"What are you looking at? What's so nice about it." Lu Yanchen looked light and light.

Unlike him, time is anxious like an ant on a hot pot: "Willn't it fight?"

"No, at most the overlord is hard, then you should not go to see it." Lu Yanchen still had a leisurely smile, and now he also brought some evil charm.

Time: "..."

Overlord? So Big Brother and Chisaki really have ... such a story, whether Xiaobai is Chihiro's son or not.

Xiaobai was very easy to ask: "What is the overlord?"

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