His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 837: Doomed Engagement (17)

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In a white suit, Ishizawa immediately took a bouquet of delicate roses from the assistant and walked to Chihiro.

At present, the white evening dress should look very good, but Chihiro is a supermodel, very tall, and wearing high heels, it is higher than Ishizawa in 175, even under the fantasy of the light. , Giving the slightest sense of discomfort.

Chihiro looked at Ishizawa in front, stood upright, saw her look at herself, and immediately smiled.

Slightly bending her hand, waiting for her to come.

Chihiro glanced at Mr. Su, who smiled at her and motioned for her to pass. She thought about it and walked over, placing her hand on the arm of Ishizawa.

Before Kyrgyzstan arrived, it was a while before the official engagement was announced.

Father Su and the old friend who came to Daoxi chuckled, while Chihiro and Ishizawa entertained their friends, politely greeted him, and drank carefully.

Today's Daoxi people are on both sides of business administration.

The business community only knows that it was Ishizawa's engagement today, and it was Su's daughter. The post reads Su Qianyu, but it was not thought that it would be Chihiro.

But most still can't believe it.

People in politics are also surprised, and did not expect that Chihiro would be the daughter of the Su family, which is really deep enough.

Mr. Su has retired for many years, and some people who do not know the identity of Mr. Su start to guess what the identity of Chihiro is.

In between, because of the appearance of Chihiro, it was confusing.

But no one showed it, all wearing perfect masks, hypocritical and polite, but taking it for granted.

A few more people from Daoxi were sent away, and with a voice heard by only two people, Shize said lightly to Chihiro: "I'm glad you're here."

Chihiro didn't say anything, as if he didn't hear it, with a perfect arc of smile, walking towards the lounge in the back of the club with graceful steps.

Ishizawa smiled and followed.


Time looked at Su Qianzhang always holding Ishisawa's hand, and elegantly shuttled around the banquet scene, attracting countless people's eyes and envy.

But she couldn't help sighing.

Lu Yanchen glanced at her, thin lips lightly, raising her eyebrows with a hint of warning: "What kind of attitude are you?"

Time rolled his eyes: "It's just an unhappy attitude, do you still use me to explain it? Of course you can't bear Chihiro."

"Can't bear Su Qianji?" Lu Yanchen looked at her with a meaningful expression, and said with some displeased voices, "What are you reluctant to do when she is engaged? Maybe you still love Su Qianji."

What this means is that even if you mess up with a bunch of men's peach blossoms, you still need to mess with women's peach blossoms.

Time suddenly burst into tears: "What do you think? I don't think Toad wants to eat swan meat, and Ishizawa and Chihiro are not worth it."

Lu Yanchen loved to hear these words, and said, "You should insert a flower on the cow dung, it fits better."

As soon as the voice fell, an elegant but helpless voice sounded beside him.

"Is Lu Gongzi describing my future uncle so well?"

Time turned his head and saw Su Ya in a green dress and Yang Chifeng in a black suit. They should have stood beside them for a long time.

At this moment, Yan Zi, who was wearing a purple evening dress not far away, also walked over and smiled slightly: "Long time, two people."

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