His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 846: Doomed Engagement (26)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Time stood in the banquet hall and watched Lu Yanchen leave. She turned to see Rong Mo who was looking at her from the wrong place. She grinned and walked up immediately: "You haven't seen me in a long time."

"Um." Rong Mo said lightly.

Time felt deeply that Rong Mo was alienated from her.

She was so silent for two seconds, taking a step, as if preparing to leave.

Time was anxious and shouted subconsciously: "Rong Mo."

Rong Mo's lips moved slightly, stopped and looked back at her again: "Are there any questions? Miss Shi."

"Actually nothing, just want to say that I ... I haven't had a wedding yet, and then I might have the wedding the year before, just on the tenth day of next month, I want to invite you to attend." Shi said, carefully. Asked, "Can you?"

Rong Mo's eyes moved slightly, a flash of joy flashed, seeing that she had been looking at her all the time, she looked very nervous, and nodded and smiled: "Okay, I must go."

This may be her sister's wedding, of course, she is going, and she should not be absent.

Time smiled happily, and she remembered the scene she saw just now, and she was a little afraid that Su Ya would hurt Rong Mo. Before Rong Mo was about to leave again, she said quickly: "That Su Ya ... you have a close relationship with her Okay? "

Rong Mo's thin lips were soft and he replied slightly: "She is Chihiro's niece, and she talked casually, and she was not familiar."

"That's good." Time sighed and muttered softly.

Rong Mo didn't hear clearly and asked: "What are you talking about?"

Time hurriedly waved, "Nothing, nothing."

After a pause, he added: "I just want to say that some people look elegant on the surface, but the city is deep and should not be underestimated."

"I see, thank you." Rong Moming understood that she knew Su Ya was not a good person and was still reminding her.

In the distance, Su Ya looked at them, sinking her face coldly, to see that they looked familiar.

Could it be that Rong Mo really has to ...


In Su's lounge.

Su Qianxuan put Xiaobai down, her face was overcast with clouds, suppressing her inner anger, and not letting her voice sound too sharp, she asked softly to Xiaobai, "You tell me, who will let you do all this today? Yes, who asked you to call my mother and ruin my wedding? "

Although his anger was controlled, his face and tone were still bad.

Xiaobai looked very fierce. Xiaobai flattened her mouth and immediately wept, and shouted her aggrievedly: "Mom."

"What are you scaring the child for?" Father Su forward, glaring at Su Qianyi.

He pulled Xiaobai's hand, sat down on the sofa next to him, reached out and rubbed his Wushun hair, whispered softly, afraid of scaring him, and asked with a friendly smile: "Child, what's your name? "

Looking at this small child, it looks a bit like Chiba, and he likes him heartily. Is it because of blood?

Mr. Su's stimulation was quite serious.

Although I really wanted to have such a lovely grandson, I subconsciously didn't expect it to be so big in a while.

Xiao Bai's little face frowned, her rosy lips beeped, and then she said softly, "Lu Yubai."

The second uncle Su Jia said, "Dad, this is the boss of Lu family, the son of Lu Yanzhi."

Lu family? Why is it Lu family again? Father Su looked at Xiaobai and asked gently, "Are you Lu Yanzhi's son?"

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