His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 851: The confusing truth (1)

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The flashing police car came to the scene very quickly, and time saw the person who fell from the upper floor. It was Wu Xing who had never thought of it.

Her former swimming coach Wu Xing.

But why did Wu Xing appear on the top floor, and Lu Yanchen went up, wasn't it Shi Ze?

What happened between him and Lu Yanchen before he fell downstairs.

Time does not believe it will be Lu Yanchen's actions. Even if Lu Yanchen hates Wu Xing again, he said that he is now retired, but he is also a soldier. His family is a military family, with family rules and principles, and will not have a life.

The police divided several batches of evidence, because at the time of the accident, only Lu Yanchen and Wu Xing were on the stairs. It was fine for other people to obtain evidence in situ, but Lu Yanchen had to go back to the police station.

Time looked at Lu Yanchen, his face worried.

But Lu Yanchen was very calm and didn't have too much emotion. Seeing time, she also gave her a soothing look.

As a client, Lu Yanchen made routine inquiries, so he should be asked to assist in the investigation.

Then no one thought that things had suddenly changed again. Someone suddenly made an exclamation and looked at the big screen in the banquet hall, panicking, "Oh my god, it's terrible."

Everyone followed her gaze and saw a shocking scene appear on the large screen of the hall.

There are two men standing on the rooftop at the same time, one of them is Lu Yanchen and the other is Wu Xing. I do n’t know what the two are talking about. I did n’t see what Lu Yanchen looked like but I only saw Wu Xingyi. With pain in his face, he seemed to be scared back all the way. When he retreated to the rooftop, Lu Yanchen suddenly reached out his hand, and then Wu Xing was pushed down!

The frame freezes in this second, and Lu Yanchen pushes Wu Xing down the stairs.

Everyone was upset and shocked!

This was not an accident, nor was it a suicide, but a murder!

Suddenly everyone's eyes were full of interest, and they fell on Lu Yanchen with all kinds of ideas.

Lu Yanchen has been silent, expressionless, no one knows what he is thinking.

He just explained to time: "Bring Xiaobai home first!"

The breathing of time gradually became rapid, and my mind was blank, looking at Lu Yanchen with knowledge, biting his lip flap: "Lu Yanchen ..."

Lu Yanchen smiled at her: "It's all right, I just follow it."

He reached out and gave her a face, and was taken away by the police as a suspect.

Time kept looking at his back and squeezed his fist.

Although Lu Yanchen's tone was quite relaxed, although she could be sure of this matter, it was not as simple as she saw.

Someone even recorded the video.

Pushing people downstairs, the video, I thought of Shi Ze subconsciously. Shi Ze called Lu Yanchen to the top of the building. As a result, Wu Xing fell from above. It must be Shi Ze.

She clenched her fists and told herself not to panic or panic. If Lu Yanchen didn't do anything, there would be nothing wrong. Next, she hurried home to find Chief Lu, his eldest brother, and find out how to solve the problem.

"It's pitiful, the man you married is actually a murderer," a taunted voice rang next.

Time turned his head and saw Shize, with a sigh of lament at the corner of his mouth, but a proud smile in his eyes.

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