His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 853: The confusing truth (3)

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Time sneered: "What kind of mother does she have, what kind of daughter do I have, and I slander you. What does it mean that your daughter has been saying to apologize to me before? What did you do to say sorry to me? "

"that is because……"

Xu Yafeng also wanted to yell and yell, but Su Ya glanced at standing not far away, Mr. Su and his second uncle Su Qiudao.

Her face sank, and there was a gloom in her heart, and then she stretched out her hand and pulled Xu Yafeng: "Mom, stop talking."

Xu Yafeng subconsciously looked at the people around him. Although most of the guests were away, there were still quite a few of them. The eyes of these people were faint and inconceivable, and he put her lightly on her.

Then she found out that the occasion was not right, and she was too aggressive just now.

Looking at Mr. Su again, he suddenly felt a shock and quickly thought about what he had just said.

Even if there was nothing wrong with her, she was terrified. In order to appear innocent, she quickly added: "... you're insane! I tell you, don't pour dirty water on my daughter."

"You didn't say that before, but now you are completely neglected. I think it's amazing that I spilled dirty water on your daughter! I thought, I don't have any evidence anyway, now my sister is still missing, also There is no way to sue your crime again, but people who are doing heaven and watching, and who have done bad things, will always have retribution !!! "

After time said this, he left Xiaobai.

"What does this person say? It's inexplicable!" Xu Yafeng yelled angrily, then glanced at Mr. Su.

She wanted to ask Father Su to explain, but in the end, Father Su asked nothing, and it seemed that she was not interested in knowing the reason for their quarrel.

In Su Zhai's study, the old man looked at Su Qianyi with a serious face: "What's the matter with your engagement with Ishizawa, what time do we cooperate with?"

Su Qian took a moment to look at the master silently.

After a long silence, she smiled and said, "I was just engaged to him, I just thought he was a good person, and then I wanted to develop with her. Otherwise, it was not marriage and no emotion."

"You ..." The old man was dizzy, married, and engaged with Ishizawa, as Time said.

"You're stupid, you child." Father Su suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart, so angry that there was no fire in his stomach.

Because he knew very well that he had been urging, so he would let his daughter make such a silly decision.

"Dad, I'm sorry, it's me wrong, it's me wrong!" Su Qianji lowered her head deeply, her eyes were reddishly: "I just thought that I was not young, and I should find someone to marry. I really It ’s because I ’m pretty good at seeing people in Shize and you like it, so I ’ll just talk about development. After all, it ’s just an engagement.

"I should have known this before, so I would not call you an engagement," Father Su was very dark and heavy, but did not seem angry.

Dad always indulges his daughter.

He said helplessly: "That child, Xiaobai ... since it is your biological son, find a day and call Lu Yan out, let's sit out together and see if this matter is resolved."

Su Qianyi's body trembled and he busily said, "Dad, it's not necessary, I don't plan to stay with Lu Yan."

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