His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 862: The Bewildered Truth (12)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Lu Yanchen flew forward at once, and at the same time quickly reached out, pulling Wu Xing by the edge.

Wu Xing had already vacated himself, looked up at Lu Yanchen who was holding him, his face was pale, and then he looked downstairs, his eyes full of fear, but he was also afraid of death.

However, he said to Lu Yanchen, "Don't you save me, you don't save me."

Lu Yanchen didn't let go: "What's the point of you jumping like this, have you thought about your family, I know your parents are old, and you know your child just went to junior high school, and you know how to get rid of them, so what about them? No."

"I'm just for them. I can't live anymore. There is no way to choose. I just want to do something meaningful for them before I die. Lu Gongzi, everything is because of my fault. I will die now in front of you. Apologize, I hope you do n’t hurt my family. Please do n’t blame my family. They do n’t know anything, they do n’t know anything ... ”Wu Xing said, using the other hand, Breaking away Yan Chen's hand fiercely.

Lu Yanchen could have saved Wu Xing, as long as Wu Xing cooperated.

Then he not only did not cooperate, but also struggled so.

Lu Yanchen's hand couldn't hold his hand at all, and sweating like this would produce sweat stains. Wu Xing's hand slipped from Lu Yanchen's palm, and then fell off! !!

Time was beating fast, watching this thrilling scene.

She covered her chest in fear: "Coach Wu ... why did he have to die? Why?"

Shen Lingshuang was also terrified, looking at Lu Yanchen and saying, "Why did you say he found you? Where is the guilt for death? This is simply trying to kill you and take you to death."

Chu Mubei snorted coldly: "Surely someone has directed him behind, this is a well-designed bureau."

Shen Lingshuang was a little uncomfortable, and Lu Ximo helped her to get up: "Mom, you go to the room to rest first, and we'll take care of these things."

She nodded and assisted her to return to the room by the landing Ximo.

Ishizawa, the son of her best girlfriend and the best cousin, she must call to ask her. What happened to her Yanchen was that he would now use such a vicious scheme to frame her Yanchen.


Chu Mubei and Lu Yanchen discussed this video. Should they be on the Internet when Time's phone rang?

She picked up her mobile phone and glanced at it. It was an unfamiliar number, and he hesitated to connect.

However, she never thought that the caller was Ishizawa.

"Is Lu Yanchen right next to you?"

"What's your matter?" Shiguang felt the joy of his voice and yelled angrily at the phone, and everyone's eyes were fixed on her at once.

"You wouldn't think that Lu Yanchen was out, he would have nothing to do, just what happened to you at the police station was spread on the Internet again, do you see it?" Shi Ze's voice, with some proud irony.

Time gritted his teeth and said ruthlessly, "Don't think that your despicable means can succeed, I tell you that Skynet is back !!!"

"Isn't that what Lu Yanchen is doing now, negligent!" Shize said, smiling quietly: "Do you really know who Lu Yanchen is? The videos are out, he really killed someone, I It's also for you, don't ruin your life for a murderer. "

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