His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 871: The Amazing Truth (21)

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"This ... must be fake, right?" Time asked.

"That was fake, but it was rumored that Chief Lu beat the man badly, but did not kill him, and it was the man who did bad things. The end result was that he spent a lifetime in jail."

Shi Yan took Lu Yanchen's hand and held her fingers together: "Even if you had a testimony because you were friends, he felt that you were sorry for him, but he didn't even nearly kill you. You still let him go, logically you should It's Liang Qing. Now he wants to calculate you like this again. If you let him go, he will definitely not accept you, and there will definitely be another time. "

Lu Yanchen embraced Time's shoulders and hugged her in his arms.

At that time, they were good friends. When they gave testimony, he felt uncomfortable. He didn't know whether he had made the right choice.

He felt guilty and felt sorry for Ishizawa.

Until Shize pushed him into the water, his parents thought he was a sequelae of trauma, and then the whole person became very indifferent. Actually, it wasn't. He just grew up overnight.

He didn't want to let go of Shize, but as far as his knowledge of Shize was concerned, Shize was not the most vicious person.

However, if Ishizawa is pushed into desperation, Ishizawa is likely to choose a fishnet.

This made him want to leave a living for Ishizawa.

Because he wasn't sure if Shi Ze had no choice, if he had no choice, he would choose to start with time. As long as he thought of Shi Ze, he might be upset with time.

And the mother also said that he can't give a little affection, after all, this is his cousin's son.


Shi Ze couldn't care about Lu Yanchen's affairs in the past two days. He was too busy because of the company's affairs.

When he left the company today, it was twelve in the evening, and a tall, erect shadow emerged from the dark place next to it.

"Who?" He shouted alertly, watching the man's steady pace, his cold look, and stepping out of the shadows gracefully, but his cold eyes looked like the bottomless pond, and he looked at him without temperature.

Shi Ze froze for a moment, then screamed, "Lu Yanchen!"

Ishizawa, who is known as the president of Wen Ya, will be like a fierce lion when he meets Lu Yanchen.

Relatively speaking, Lu Yanchen was much calmer and looked at him lightly, apparently coming to him, but not looking at him at all.

"Don't tell me, you stand here and wait for me." Ishiza sneered.

"I think I want to stand here waiting for you," Lu Yanchen said with a smile, "Are you still young? You're such a big person, you've made troubles and caused trouble, but you want your mother to clean up the mess ?!"

These words are deeply ridiculed and ridiculed.

His face turned darker instantly, and what he hated most was that his mother went to the Lu family for his affairs. He couldn't control his emotions instantly, with an angry expression, raised his fist and landed on Yanchen. go with.

Lu Yanchen's eyes were cold and dark, his body flashed quickly to avoid his attack, and at the same time he sharply punched a punch!

Instead of hitting Lu Yanchen, he received a punch from Lu Yanchen, who could not bear the sudden pain and moaned.

He wiped the corners of his mouth with his finger, and found that it was bleeding, and suddenly became completely angry. Like a wild lion, panting, his eyes were red and stared at Landing Yanchen. Just smashed towards the landing Yanchen ...

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