His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 873: The Bewildered Truth (23)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Lu Yanchen sorted out his clothes, his grim eyes stopped on Shi Ze, all the changes in Shi Ze's mood were completely in Lu Yanchen's eyes.

Lu Yanchen didn't ask where Shi Fei Mofei was, because if Shi Ze could find Mo Feifei, he would not retreat and choose Wu Xing next.

But all these things designed by Shize made Lu Yanchen unable to forgive him.

Lu Yanchen opened his car door and took out a file from it.

He looked at Shi Ze and said, "We were still young about your father's affairs. You blame me for that, but now, you are no longer a kid, and my tolerance for you has reached its limit. This is the last time. It ’s in the face of your mother. Your mother has done that for you. You should be very clear. If you really do n’t care about your mother ’s body and ignore your mother ’s life, then you continue to do it. I have no tolerance for you next time! "

Then, he smashed the file severely against Ishizawa.

Then hesitated and turned away.

Ishiza pinched his fist, gravitation to the bony joints, and clicked.

He stared back at Yan Chen's back, but Yu Guang in the corner of his eye caught a glimpse of the photos falling out of the data.

He froze, unbelievable, quickly picked up the photo and looked at him carefully, but with wide eyes, he hurriedly opened the folder, and the explosive picture inside made him look pale for a moment and lost all his blood. .

"No, no, it's impossible ..." He muttered a few words, Scarlet's eyes had a monstrous hatred, and he threw the folder to the ground fiercely.

He jumped to his feet and hurried to Lu Yanchen's car.

"Lu Yanchen !!!" He yelled in tears from deep in the heart, "Did you **** lie to me !!!"

Lu Yanchen ignored Shize, completely ignored Shize rushing from the side, and refueled and drove forward quickly.

Ishizawa's outstretched car didn't even touch the back of the car.

"Lu Yanchen !!" He yelled again.

But when Lu Yanchen's car disappeared under his eyes, the string in his heart was broken!

He paced a few steps and fell to the ground again, looking at the photos scattered on the ground, scarlet eyes gushing a layer of warmth.

He sneered, with a frenzied laugh, and muttered, "Fake ..."

It must be false.

It was Lu Yanchen's revenge on purpose of setting up the bureau, it must be false! !!


It has been two days since Yan Zi could not find Shi Ze, and Shi Ze did not appear in the company, but some of the online attacks on Shi Ze and Shi Ze companies have all subsided. Although Shi Ze companies have suffered great damage, this is The best result.

However, the public opinion on the Internet could not be suppressed before, why did it suddenly go down again.

What did Ishizawa do? What promised Lu Yanchen? Otherwise, how could he disappear for two days?

Yan Zi called Shi Ze's phone for the nth time, but the call was unreachable.

She knew that when Shi Ze was generally upset, she would lock herself in his own independent apartment. Yan Zi had a password and went straight into the room.

When I opened the door, I could smell the full house.

When she turned on the light, she saw that Ishizawa was leaning on the chaise longue on the balcony, and the coffee table next to it was filled with a table of wine, most of which were empty.

Yan Zi's heart was shocked.

She hurried over: "Ishizawa, what happened to you?"

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