His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 894: The relationship between time and Su family (14)

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mom? Looking for sister? The little assistant was frightened: "..."

She looked at Xiao Bai's exquisite little face, Jianmei Fengmu, Haoyue Qinghui, although she was a boy, but when she grew up, she was definitely a horn of humiliating the country and the people. Is this the little boy's version of seeking sister?

The little assistant gasped a few times, calming the nervousness in her chest. She looked at Chihiro, who took the tableware from the kitchen, and her mother Mia, she seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.

But Sister Xun had illegitimate children, and the company didn't know, in case it was exposed ...

She slowly turned around, sat on the sofa and patted her chest, and then told herself in the heart that she must keep her sister secret.

Su Qiandi took Xiaobai to wash and come back, and while giving him porridge, he said to him, "I have something today, and I will go out later."

Xiao Bai's happy mood disappeared in an instant, and he pursed his lips unpleasantly, "Can't you stay with me?"

Su Qianyi said, "I want to work."

Xiao Bai's eyes turned, and when he looked at Su Qianyu again, Fengmu was foggy again, as if he was about to cry, his lips pursed, and his milk was out of mouth: "What should I do, I'll be alone At home? But grandma said that it is dangerous for a child who is not six years old to be home alone. "

"Shall I have sister Qixi accompany you?"

Qixi is a little assistant. He immediately came forward when he heard the roll call: "Sister Xun, don't worry, I will take good care of Xiaobai."

Then smiled at Xiaobai.

Xiao Qixi knew his smile very kindly, but Xiao Bai actually cried. The cool little boy actually cried and cried. Xiao Qixi was again shocked: "..."

Su Qianxuan rubbed his temples with a headache: "But I have to take an advertisement today, I have to sign a contract, I must go."

"I haven't seen a movie yet."

Su Qianyi weighed around and found that he was giving Xiaobai to Qixi, so Qixi was not on the set, and she was indeed inconvenient. In this case, take Xiaobai to the shooting scene. Xiaobai is not a bear child anyway, and does not like to make trouble Cool, don't like to scurry around, it should not cause trouble.

And Xiao Bai was unwilling to follow Qixi, and she had no choice but to agree.

Hearing that Xiaobai would not be left behind, tears said he would take it away, and immediately ate breakfast just like a person who was okay.

She saw Xiaobai's milk drink almost, and immediately poured him a glass.

The child Lu Yubai turned her head and looked at her, the gentleman said, "Thank you."

And also showed her a sweet handsome smile, Xiao Qixi felt that his girl's heart melted in half.

Su Qianxuan gave Xiaobai to Qixi, and Qixi took Xiaobai into Chihiro's special dressing room, which did not attract much attention.

Before Chihiro received a jewelry advertisement, in addition to fashion blockbusters and advertisements, complementary print advertisements were needed. The front are all location shots. They have been shot before. The remaining print advertisements were mainly shot in the studio. The agreement was made today.

She left after putting on makeup, and planned to leave with Xiaobai after the shoot.

Qixi wants to accompany Xiaobai to play, but she finds that the child is very precocious. When she teases the child, she seems to be very naive.

And also told her to go out to help Chihiro, he just waited alone.

Qixi snorted and said that the child's head was too bright, and she couldn't understand the rhythm.

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