His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 898: The relationship between time and Su family (18)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

The people in the dressing room were all gone. Only Su Qianzheng and Xiaobai were left. Su Qianzhen looked up and down Xiaobai and thoughtfully asked, "Have you been injured? Let me see ..."

"No, I'm okay!" Xiao Bai suddenly smiled shyly, and after being released by Chihiro, he kissed Chihiro's face as he went.

His immature voice reached Chihiro's ear, and then murmured.

Su Qiandi looked at him in amazement, and suddenly remembered seeing him for the first time. The little guy seemed to realize that she didn't like him. When time went out, he deliberately glared at her. When the time came back, the wicked sueed that she bullied him .

She couldn't laugh or cry, pinching Xiaobai's face, "little bastard!"

Although it is only an episode, it is almost certain that she has an illegitimate child scandal. This time she is going to be reported, and it is a real hammer, saying that she has admitted it.

Sure enough, the first search of the day was Chihiro's bastard.

Dominate the screen all day.

And after today's little accident, Xiaobai obviously felt that Su Qianyu was happy and maintained for himself.

He was daring and lingering about Chihiro, who was uncomfortable from the beginning and used to it later.

When he was going to sleep at night, he didn't want to be separated from Chihiro. He followed Su Qianyu into her bedroom like a tail and asked weakly, "Mom, can I sleep with you?"

Su Qianyu looked at the small face full of expectation and the small eyes of craving, hesitated and nodded.

As soon as Xiao Bai's eyes lighted up, he immediately took off his shoes, and then drilled into the bed. When Su Qianyi went to bed, he immediately got into Su Qianyi's arms.

He wrapped his little hand around Su Qianji's neck, leaned his face against Su Qianji's chest, and muttered happily: "Mom, you really are my mother."

Su Qianxuan felt his heart, not knowing when it had become a stream of water.

But she still wanted to explain to Xiaobai: "I'm not your mother."

Xiaobai looked up and kissed Su Qianqian's cheek again, then strongly said, "No, no, no, you are my mother!"

Su Qianyi was helpless: "You can call my mother, but I'm not your mother."

Xiaobai smiled and blinked his childlike eyes: "What if you are really my mother? What do you do?"

Su Qianyi smiled and asked him, "What do you want to do?"

"Can I do anything I want?" Xiaobai asked.

Su Qianji raised an eyebrow: "..."

This early-hui child actually wanted to talk to her about the conditions?

"If I were your mother, of course, you can do whatever you want." If her child is still there, she will definitely follow suit, and it is estimated that nothing will not be agreed.

"That's all right, you can't regret it." Xiaobai said to be hooked with Chihiro.

Su Qianyi smiled and tickled his finger: "If I am really your mother, and you can only choose one between father and mother, who do you choose?"

Xiaobai looked up and asked her puzzledly, "Why should I choose? Can't my parents be together?"

"Ask casually, it's impossible anyway." Chihiro stroked his head: "Go to sleep, it's getting late."

Then he closed his eyes and held him in his arms.

Xiaobai was also obedient, looking for a comfortable posture, holding Su Qianyu's waist, and soon fell asleep.

But Chihiro didn't fall asleep so fast. She stared at this small face that resembled Lu Yanchi ...

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