His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 900: The relationship between time and Su family (20)

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Yun Meng's voice was ringing in his ears. Li Mengyao stared intently and stared at the Weibo interface on the mobile phone screen. No photos of the children flowed out, and all the previous flows were deleted. Only Chihiro An illegitimate child.

So is this child Lu Yanzhi's son?

Is it Xiaobai?

There was a vaguely definite answer in her heart, but she was unwilling to believe, and could not believe it. Both had experienced such things, and the two could still be together.

Impossible, it must be impossible.

Lu Yanzhi didn't like Chihiro, he didn't like it at all, otherwise, of course he wouldn't ... That child could not be Chihiro.

Li Mengyao comforted himself like this, but still felt a little uneasy.

The voice of Yun Meng next to her made her head big, and she closed her eyes and sternly said, "Enough, I just lost a heroine, and the lander's person went out? I tell you, Lu's not The average person has no time to take care of such trivial matters as you. "

What else does Yunmeng want to say.

Just seeing Li Mengyao's cheeky face and cold expression, he stopped talking.

After Yunmeng left, Li Mengyao took out her cell phone and called Lu Yanzhi. The call was connected, but no one answered. She was anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

She was very disturbed, especially disturbed.

Chihiro knows her most unfortunate past, and Chihiro has seen her most miserable side, but why she has to appear in her and Lu Yanzhi's life, the star is not a good person, not a man who always takes care of her, why Going to struggle with Lu Yanzhi again.

She spent so much effort that finally Lu Yanzhi was only with her. She thought that as long as she kept this relationship with Lu Yanzhi, one day Lu Yanzhi would really feel her good, and talk to her. Together.

Lu Yanzhi is not a superficial man, he will not care about her past, he also said that he does not care.

After all, she clearly felt Lu Yanzhi that day, and seemed to want to find a mother for Xiaobai. Why did Chihiro struggle with Lu Yanzhi again.


Su Qianyi started from the beginning and reluctantly took Xiaobai to the back.

Shen Lingshuang will return tomorrow. She will also return Xiaobai to Lu's home tomorrow. Today she decided to take Xiaobai to buy some toys as a gift.

It's not the weekend, there are no people in the children's city, and the high-end toys are sparsely populated. Su Qianzheng was brought by Xiao Bai to the car model area. The car models here are expensive.

"Are you sure you want this?" Su Qiandi is not stingy, but she really feels that it is not necessary to spend 100,000 yuan to buy a car model for a child, but she finds that Xiaobai really seems to really like the car model.

It's no wonder that time talked to her and didn't want to buy a gift for Xiaobai, because she was poor.

At that time, I still felt that time was too sloppy. Now think about it is not time to pick the door, and time really has no money. She is a small athlete and does not spend Lu Yanchen's money so much that she can't afford Xiaobai's gift.

"Uh-huh, I like it." Xiao Bai focused his head, looking at the shelves with his neck up, his eyes craving for car models.

"Is there anything else?" Su Qianyi asked.

"Yes!" Xiaobai said, dragging Chihiro and heading for the fighter plane. Su Qianyi said that he was about to bleed today.

When they were picking a good one, a slightly excited female voice suddenly sounded in their ears: "Xiaobai?"

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