His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 908: The relationship between time and Su family (28)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Su Qiandi planned to send Xiaobai back, and did not intend to sit at the Lu family, but she did not leave, Shen Lingshuang already held her hand, and Xiaobai took her hand and held her in together. Lu Zhai.

"Come, have a cup of tea." Shen Lingshuang Chihiro took a seat on the sofa and looked at Chihiro in astonishment. Real people look better than on TV.

No wonder her eldest son with only a car and a gun in her eyes would give birth to a son with Chihiro.

Although Chihiro has not yet acknowledged it, as far as she knows about her eldest son, Xiaobai should be Chihiro, just don't know why the two are not together.

She thinks that this girl, Chihiro, doesn't look like she would leave her husband and abandon her. There must be some misunderstanding between the two.

By the way, the marriage of the eldest son had broken her heart. She had not arranged a girl blind date for him these years, but all failed.

Now it's hard to have a right eye, should she help, at least give two people a chance to explain the misunderstanding clearly.

"Thank you for taking care of Xiaobai these days. Thank you so much."

Su Qiandi took a sip of tea and lowered the cup and said, "No thanks, Xiao Bai is very cute and very cute. I also like him very much. Although I said I took care of him these days, I am also very happy."

"It ’s good if you are happy. If you are happy, spend more time with Xiaobai. When the child needs a mother," Shen Lingshuang sighed. "I do n’t know how you are separated from your words. What is the relationship now, but since With Xiaobai ... "

Su Qianji quickly interrupted her: "Auntie, no, you are mistaken, I'm not Xiaobai's mother."

Isn't it? Shen Lingshuang frowned slightly. It wasn't her mother. The boss couldn't call Xiaobai to call her mother on the spot. That was a big incident in the circle. Even if she didn't go to the wedding, she knew all the details.

But looking at Chihiro's expression, it didn't seem like he didn't admit it, nor did he seem to be lying.

How is this going?

"Whether it is or not, you have a fate with this child, and spend more time with him when you are free, okay?" Shen Ling's lips twitched a smile.

If Chihiro thinks that Xiaobai is not her own son, she can still take good care of it with all her heart, which shows that she is kind in heart.

This daughter-in-law, Chihiro, is about to order!

I just hope her older son can work harder ...

"Okay, I'll see Xiaobai when I'm free. Then, I have something to do, so I'll leave first." Chihiro said, and stood up.

"Gone?" Shen Ling was startled, holding her hand. "Why don't you go, you have taken care of Xiaobai these past few days, and you have to eat and go back."

"No more no use."

Su Qianyu tried to push Shen Lingshuang's hand, but was held dead by Shen Lingshuang.

Her attitude is also very firm: "No, no, you have to eat and then go back, otherwise it will be spread out, what do others think of us?"

At this moment, Xiaobai, who was watching the cartoons on the TV, ran suddenly and hugged Su Qianyi's thigh very hard, "Mom, don't go!"

Su Qianyi was stiff, and then smiled awkwardly at Shen Lingshuang. She was helpless, and said with a smile, "That ... little white, I ..." Afraid of causing misunderstanding, she changed her name quickly: I am busy."

But Xiaobai didn't let go, holding her thigh tightly, and shouting pitifully: "Mom, don't go!"

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