His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 910: The relationship between time and Su family (30)

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Xiaobai rubbed his eyes and said, "Mom, I want to sleep."

If he was at home, Su Qianzhang took him directly to the bedroom, but this was at the Lu family, and she turned to look at the direction in the kitchen.

At this moment Shen Lingshuang walked out: "Xiao Bai is sleepy."

Xiaobai nodded, then looked at Chihiro: "Mom, let's go to sleep."

He pulled Su Qianzhen's hand.

"It's also when you take a nap, then Chihiro goes to accompany Xiaobai," Shen Lingshuang gave Xiaobai directly to her without taking her as an outsider at all.

Su Qianyu hesitated for a moment, but took Xiaobai to his bedroom.

I knew that she should n’t have taken Xiaobai to coax Xiaobai before sending him home, but she should return him before lunch.

After eating, Xiaobai was sleepy, and she could leave.

Xiaobai's room is very warmly furnished. The azure bed sheets are covered with the same azure wallpaper. There are books in the bookcase next to it. There are also some car models. Most of them are collector's editions. This is in Xiaobai's style. It's pretty good.

"Mom, together." Xiao Baiying's phoenix eyes stared at Su Qianyu with gazing eyes.

Seeing Su Qianyi's heart softened into water, he couldn't help but smile: "Okay."

The dinner to stay here is dinner, which will be a long time before the evening.

After Xiaobai fell asleep, she didn't know what to talk with Shen Ling when she went downstairs. Now Xiaobai pulled her to sleep together, and she lay down.

I thought it would be better to eat after waking up and leave after eating.

However, she always felt weird and didn't want to get along with Shen Lingshuang alone.

Shen Lingshuang is not a wolf, tiger or leopard. She is very celebrity, kind-hearted, smiling, and treats her very well.

But she always felt the reaction, too enthusiastic?

She sent a message to Shiguang. If time always felt that she was a time friend, there would be no problem eating at Luzhai.

[Chihiro: I'm in Lu Zhai, and I'm sending Xiaobai home. Why would Mrs. Lu stay with me for dinner? Come here quickly. 】

[Time: I'm not free. 】 I thought you saw your mother-in-law, what should I do?

[Chihiro: If you don't come, then I will leave. What will I eat at Luzhai by myself? 】

[Time: OK, OK, I'll be late. 】

At this time of the day, dinner was late and people hadn't arrived yet. Chihiro sent her a message and got all the responses.

For the first time, she felt that time was so unreliable.

Su Qiandi is waiting for someone.

Shen Lingshuang is also waiting for someone. She frequently looks at the time. She doesn't believe that her eldest son will not return, but this time should be enough from the army to the military district compound.

She held Su Qianzheng's hand, and her eyes swept her from top to bottom: "Why so thin ... Isn't you so thin on TV?"

"Photogenic, you will get fatter."

"So in real life, you need to be thinner," Shen Ling frowned. "I think, it's better not to be an actor, I feel too guilty. In order to look good, I need to put up with nothing and eat.

Su Qiandi didn't know what to say, but looked at Shen Lingshuang, his helplessness was revealed between his brows.

"Is it hard to shoot?"

"Not hard."

"It's rare, you're so impertinent, that's good." Shen Lingshuang said, and said rudely, "When you were pregnant and had a child, it should be hard ?!"

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