His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 912: I just forget you (2)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Shen Lingshuang sighed: "These four brothers, the three I know are at least in love, but the boss doesn't seem to ... have it with you?"

Su Qianji shook his head: "Should not count."

"You see, you all have children and haven't fallen in love yet?" Shen Lingshuang hated iron and steel. "It must be because his father threw him to the army from an early age. School is also in the military school. Other boys. When he was chasing a girl, he was training in the army. When others first fell in love, he was still training in the army. Others got married and had children. He was still training in the army ... "

Su Qiandi ate in silence.

Looking at Xiaobai next to him, it seems that he is not accustomed to it. When he looked at her gaze, he pouted and smiled secretly.

"Actually, we are still pretty good at fame, and there are still many ladies who admire him. As long as he nods, he can get married at any time, but the problem is that he is not willing, I only know that he has been waiting for Xiaobai mom……"

Xiaobai's mother is not me. Su Qianyi smiled in his heart and couldn't tell what it was like.

Now she just wants to finish the meal as soon as possible and leave quickly. It should be impossible to count on that guy to come to the rescue.

Just then, the door was pushed open.

Chihiro turned his head subconsciously, and saw Lu Yanzhi's smart and handsome uniform came in. The epaulets on his shoulders shone brightly and set off his handsome face, because the top button was unlocked. Opened, it looks cold and charming, it makes people feel that military uniforms must be serious and solemn, and they can also be fashionable and handsome.

He seemed surprised when he saw her sitting in the dining room with a slight expression on his face.

Su Qianxu couldn't wait to find a hole to drill in.

Obviously just a glass of white wine was nothing, but at this moment I felt a little dizzy, and the cheeks on both sides seemed to be burning because of the wine just now.

Seeing his son return, Shen Lingshuang immediately stood up happily: "Why did Yan Yan suddenly come back?"

Obviously she called him back deliberately. Lu Yan was very speechless. In fact, I already knew what my mother wanted to do.

How naive they are to their mothers, their brothers know that all they can do is to indulge, because if they do not indulge, they will be cleaned up by Chief Lu.

Xiaobai also happily welcomed him, "Daddy!"

Lu Yan held his son upright and threw it into the air, then easily caught it with one hand, and shaved his nose with the other hand.

Chihiro glanced, trembling and frightened

Nima's Lu Yanzhi, this little white is your son, not the gun you play. It can be thrown there like this, what if I do n’t catch it? She sincerely hoped that Shen Lingshuang could give a hint, but Shen Lingshuang was not accustomed to seeing anything at all, and did not feel anything wrong.

She stroked her forehead, speechless.

When Chihiro stood up, trying to find an excuse to leave, the door was pushed open again, and then time came in: "I'm sorry I'm late."

It ’s not as good as it came, Su Qianji said that time is coming, it will not be too embarrassing, but she is here, can she go by herself?

"Time is here?"


The two left the restaurant and ran to meet the time. Su Qianyi and Lu Yanzhi were left in the restaurant for a while. The two looked at each other calmly, indifferently, and then turned their heads at the same time.


PS: Continue to go to the code word, continue to update, in the middle to find monthly tickets ~ ~ more monthly tickets, tonight must add more.

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