His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 919: I just forgot about you (9)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Su Qianjiu is like a sculpture, the whole person is tight, biting his lower lip tightly, and he looks like Lu Yan.

He kept holding her hand.

The two stunned each other for a while, and finally Lu Yan let go and let out a cold snoring, turning abruptly, leaving her with a handsome back, followed by a bang—the door of the room was ruthlessly thrown up.

As soon as Su Qianzhen was relaxed, some sour mood in her heart was out of control. She leaned against the door, her body inexplicably weak.

It took a while for her to slow down, and she wanted to open the door and leave, but found that the door was locked outside.

"Lu! Words! Fuck!"

Su Qianying almost shouted these three words out of her teeth. She felt that sooner or later she would be mad by Lu Yan.

What does this guy want to do?

She even locked her at home? Do you know if this is illegal! !!

Su Qianyu turned around in the room and found that she was dizzy and weak. She pulled the door again and still couldn't open it.

This Lu Yanchio, as before, can lock her at home.

Asshole! !!

Su Qianyi scolded in his heart, then lay down on the bed.

Alcohol was rising, his whole body was weak, his mind was faint, watching the vision in front of him became more and more blurred, his eyes closed slowly, and then he seemed to fall asleep, slowly sinking into the dream, but it seemed to be remembering the past ...

Dreams are not dreams.

Because everything happened.

That was before her and Lu Yan.

In a sinful world where you will never be.

Su Qianji never thought that he would fall into such a place.

A dark and mysterious forest, full of ancient stone carvings, surrounded by sentries with guns, all of whom are international criminals who kill and don't blink.

As long as she dares to have any impure mind, she may lose this life at any time.

Although the man named Ah Zhi rescued her, but in such a place, how could she not be afraid and want to escape without panic.

But she also knew that she couldn't escape on her own.

She seemed to be among the monsters haunting Halloween, like a helpless prey, obediently watching them wielding the sickle of death.

Ah Zhi seems to be a stranger among them. He doesn't seem to be a drug addict to play with women like them. He has a handsome face and a mysterious dark temperament, so even if his origin is unknown, he easily deceives their uncle, He has an important place in this group of criminals.

She was taken away by him and became his woman, but he did not touch him.

He often just audited her silently, his thin lips clenching, a little impatient.

At that time, she didn't understand what it meant.

Later, after knowing his true identity, she came to understand that he should put her in for a headache, because if he didn't handle it properly, his identity would be revealed.

At that time, she didn't think he would be undercover, because he was a hooligan, talking lightly, and often ashamed to heat her ears.

He would hug her to sleep every night, and she could feel the warm breath and the desire of men.

She didn't know what he meant. It seemed that many men's eyes were staring at her, but he tried to exclude everyone from leaving her. The reason why a man wants a woman is obvious.

But why didn't he touch her?

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