His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 922: I just forgot about you (12)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

When Shen Lingshuang and Shiguang took Xiaobai back to Lu's house, the room was black.

The two didn't turn on the lights either, Xiaobai asked gently, "What about mom and dad?"

"Maybe you're asleep?" Shen Lingshuang and Time knew what this meant.

Xiaobai didn't understand, and muttered, "Why don't you wait for me to sleep together?" His biggest wish was to sleep with his parents.

"Ahem, this ..."

Time was tangling how to explain to Xiaobai, the table lamp in the living room suddenly turned on, and suddenly the whole living room showed a pale yellow light, with a trace of nervous silence.

A tall, upright man sat on the sofa, exuding a sense of loneliness all over his body, and his face looked like the haze before the storm, gloomy and scary.

Shen Lingshuang and Shi Shuang stopped again.

Dad didn't sleep, Xiaobai happily ran to the landing and said, "Dad!"

Lu Yanzhi touched his head, then looked at Shen Lingshuang and time.

Shen Ling stroked his forehead, pretending to ask casually: "Why haven't you slept yet?"

Isn't it because he didn't keep people?

She asked again, "Where is Chihiro?"

Lu Yanzhi stood up from the sofa, exuding a terrible chill, looking at Shen Lingshuang: "Mom, can you stop doing such a boring thing in the future."

"What's the matter?" Shen Lingshuang's eyes looked aside and placed on the time.

Time bit his lip, didn't speak, pretending not to understand.

Shen Lingshuang breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. The eldest son was too much like a husband, and sometimes he was really nervous.

She snorted and said, "If you have the ability to marry your wife back home, I don't need to worry about that. I said that you are still young, you have both children, can you stop living and live well? You Say you learn everything from your dad. You must also learn from your dad if you have a bad temper. Chihiro is a good girl. If you let people give birth to a son, then you will abandon people. Do you say that in the past? It ’s impossible for a person to do such a thing without conscience. You always think that women are bad, that ’s not good, and women are a bit arrogant, so they call women. Otherwise, she is a woman for nothing. You say your dad has a bad temper, but you also know how to coax me. You see, you can say soft words ... "

This is to read the rhythm of the Tang monk scriptures, and Lu Yan had a headache.

He held Xiaobai's hand: "Let's go, it's late, you're going to take a bath and go to bed."

Looking at the son who ignored him and took his grandson upstairs directly, Shen Ling doubled up and said, "Look at what kind of attitude you are? To whom am I so heart-minded ?!"

She sighed and looked at the time: "It's better if you and Yanchen, don't worry about me, right ... Yanchen will pick you up later?"

Time's body was a little stiff. She blinked, then looked at Shen Lingshuang with a smile, and said calmly, "I won't go back tonight, just sleep here."

She never told Lu Yanchen that she had returned to Lu's house.

Shen Lingshuang was surprised: "Are you not going back? Yanchen will come over later?"

"I don't know. He's been very busy lately, Mom. I'm a little tired, so I'll go up first." Time didn't say much, and then went straight upstairs.

Shen Ling frowned.

These two people are almost inseparable from each other, and they are said to be inseparable. Why are they suddenly not sticky?

Could it be a fight?

Thinking like this, Shen Lingshuang quickly called Lu Yanchen: "Son, what are you doing?"

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