His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 924: I just forgot about you (14)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Lu Yanchen also listed: "There is also a very famous cross-country skier. She returned to the arena at the age of 34 after giving birth to her son. She won the first place in her career 10 months after her birth. Three World Championship medals ... and 38-year-old Guchell, one of the greatest runners in today's women's marathon. She still holds the amazing world record for the women's marathon in 2 hours, 15 minutes and 25 seconds. She also seems to be producing After winning the gold medal, you see that running is more unsuitable for pregnant women than swimming, and doctors say that pregnant women can swim ... "

Time frowned, weren't these things she looked at online?

After a pause, Lu Yanchen said, "Now there are more and more athletes who continue their careers beyond the age of 30. At the age of 30, it is natural to have children, but they have not affected them by having children. Instead of finding a balance in family and career, as long as you take good care of yourself, you can do both childbirth and participation! "

Time twisted his body and stared at him in the face: "You peeped at my Internet records."

Actually all back! !! !!

"You checked these too?" Lu Yanchen's face was surprised, her head froze between her neck, and she smelled the fragrance that belonged to her alone.

What did she check? He pretended to be peeking at her! !! Time suddenly burst into tears.

Lu Yanchen looked at her face slowly, and seemed to have a smile, and then squeezed her lips.

Time flicked, then pushed him, did not push away, stabbed him several times with a small fist, and then took a bite in his hand, Lu Yanchen let go of her.

Time stood up, opened the door, and made a please gesture, Lu Yanchen reluctantly asked, "Where do you let me sleep?"


"Mom said there were people in the room."

"There's not only one room in the house, you just have to change rooms." Shi said, pushing Lu Yanchen directly.

Then, with a slam, the door was thrown and locked from the inside.

Lu Yanchen touched his nose, looking helpless, and said to the time in the room: "No matter what I do, there is only one purpose."

Turning his head, he saw his elder brother Lu Yan standing in the passage.

It seemed that everything that happened after the door was opened was seen by him.

"Yo, got kicked out of the house ?!" Lu Yan smiled gloatingly. If someone told him that his fourth child had this scene, he would not believe that he was killed.

Lu Yanchen suddenly lost his face, and it was called a storm.

Lu Yanzhi ignored his gloomy and cold eyes, with a serious face, but his eyes were awkward: "Tell me, is there anything I need from my brother?"

Lu Yanchen's eyes stared coldly, with an unsmiling look, as if he didn't see that his elder brother was gloating. He said lightly, "I think the elder brother should take care of his own affairs first? You should be in a hurry."

"What am I in a hurry? Is there anything urgent?" Lu Yan said slowly, continuing to joke in his heart and land on Yanchen.

"You're not in a hurry, there are more than thirty people !!!" Lu Yanchen smiled coolly, and what he said was a poisonous tongue: "One uncle, not even a woman, is destined to hit a bachelor for a lifetime!"

Then turned away.

Leaving Lu Yan to stay in place, no more jokes.

I'm really upset! !! That face was so gloomy that it was better than Lu Yanchen just now!


PS: Six chapters, ask for a monthly ticket, and then continue to code!

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