His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 932: I just forgot about you (22)

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"I don't think she ever said how we knew each other?" Lu Yanzhi laughed two times in his heart. He didn't believe it at first, but the fact was in front of him, but he couldn't help it.

"I'm sure I haven't said it," said Mr. Su with a slight lip corner, with a hint of discomfort.

In any case, he did not believe that his daughter would not want a son, and looking at his daughter, it seemed that he really felt that Xiao Bai was not his son.

But he saw that Lu Yanzhi was also a hot-blooded man, not like a man who would shirk responsibility.

"Then you answer my first question, when did you start? What happened to the children, you better give me a reasonable explanation," Father Su could freeze with cold voice, a majestic breath. .

"Xiao Bai is five years old. Six years ago, something happened to her. Do you remember?" Lu Yan asked lightly.

"Engagement, travel?" Father Su thought for a while, asking if this was the case.

"Yes, she was engaged in an engagement trip and had an accident while in Thailand and was held hostage by a group of drug criminals."

"What?" Father Su was shocked, because he didn't know these things at all, but only knew that the whole person had changed after she returned, and thought it was a divorce.

"What I say to you next is absolutely confidential, so I can't raise it with anyone." Lu Yanzhi said solemnly.

Father Su nodded.

"I was given a classified A-class mission at that time. The purpose was to find out this group of drug criminals. Their biggest customer, Mr. X, who is also an international terrorist, was undercover among them under my covert identity. At that time, in order to protect her, I Keeping her by her side, many things happened in the middle, and we had no choice but at that time, she thought I was a drug criminal, so she was disgusted with me, and I could n’t tell her my identity, but also for protection. She had to leave her alone. She just knew that when she was pregnant, she was so excited that she couldn't accept it. "

"What happened then?" Father Su looked at his eyes, and his heart trembled.

His daughter has suffered like this and hasn't mentioned it to anyone yet? By the way, what about Eligg at that time? What did he do as a fiance?

"Later, although she knew my identity, she still couldn't believe me, didn't want to accept me, and didn't want that child. She lost the child as soon as the child was born." Lu Yanchi said quietly, but her heart was cold. .

Master Su was startled, "Lost?"

"I lost it all my life. I found it in the jungle for two days and two nights. It was also Xiaobai's life." He will never forget how much he hated her at that time. When he found Xiaobai, he was dying. I ca n’t really save it in the evening.

"How can she, this child ..." The muscles on Father Su's face were shaking in anger, and a fierce gaze was glaring in his eyes: "So she thought Xiaobai was not her son?"

"After finding Xiaobai, I once decided that, as promised to her, I would never see each other again, and do not interfere with each other's lives, but the child needs a mother, and Xiaobai wants a mother." Lu Yanzhi did not say himself Heart, he only said that Xiaobai needs a mother, because Xiaobai needs a mother, so he will let Xiaobai go and call her mother at his mother's engagement.

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