His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 950: The mysterious life unveiled (10)

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Shen Lingshuang laughed beside him and said, "Boss, you don't recognize it now? This is according to people!"

Lu Yanzhi became clear, the corner of his mouth slightly raised: "It turned out to be a man, it really is a female eighteenth change ..." He simply didn't recognize it.

Shen Lingshuang smiled and said, "But it's just that when I saw it, I was shocked. It seems that you are only one year younger than Yanchen. Do you have a boyfriend? Or are you married?"

Shen Yiren smiled embarrassedly: "No, I have been busy with work all these years, and I have no time to make a boyfriend."

After speaking, she glanced at Lu Yanzhi, her eyes shy and shy.

Shen Lingshuang said seriously: "You can also make a boyfriend, get married early, and your mother won't worry about you."

"I'm not anxious." Shen Yiren smiled with embarrassment. She looked at Lu Yanzhi and said, "What about brother? Have a girlfriend?"

Lu Yanzhi said nothing, but just sat down on the sofa.

Shen Ling glared at his son and watched Shen Yiren reply: "Oh, don't mention it ..."

Before the stubble was opened, a child ran downstairs and mumbled, "Daddy, Dad ..."

Upon hearing, Shen Yiren knew that this was the elder brother's son.

She followed the sound, and saw a delicate and handsome child, who looked like a big brother Lu Yan, six or seven points. When she looked at her again, the little man's footsteps suddenly stopped.

He didn't speak, just a pair of little Feng Feng's eyes were black and bright, staring at her.

Shen Yiren thought that the child's eyes were a bit scary, as if she particularly disliked her and disliked her.

Although she was trying to hide it, she was a child after all, so she could still feel that she was rejected by the little guy.

She couldn't help crying or laughing, as if she didn't do anything.

"Lu Yubai, what are you doing there? Hurry up and call it Auntie!"

With Lu Yan's persistent voice, Lu Yubai said unwillingly, "Auntie."

"Hey, hello, he looks so handsome and cute." Shen Yiren smiled softly at him, complimented by the way, but the little guy didn't appreciate it, walked to Lu Yanzhi and sat down.

Shen Yiren knew that Xiaobai didn't like her, and he wasn't boring. He chatted with Shen Ling, and of course he had to talk to Lu Yanzhi.

Xiaobai quietly pulled Lu Yanzhi's clothes, "Dad, I want to find my mother."

Lu Yanzhi gave him a look, a cold face and ignored him.

Xiaobai grumbled displeasedly and saw Lu Yanzhi talking to Shen Yiren, and immediately shouted, "I'm going to my mother's house."

Shen Yiren froze for a moment, mother? When she left, she knew that eldest brother had brought a son home, but the mother of that child did not return home?

Lu Yanchi said with a cold voice: "Where to go? Your mother doesn't want you!"

"No," Xiao Bai blushed. "Xiao said that his mother was the main character, and the main character would have amnesia. I ca n’t remember Xiao Bai. I want to spend more time with my mother so that my mother can remember me. "

Lu Yan lifted his eyelids: "You believe this too, adults lie to children!"

Xiaobai was completely anxious: "I won't lie to me, you are the big bad guy and the big liar. I obviously have a mother."

"Then you go and find your mother, don't show up in front of Lao Tzu." Lu Yan was frightened when he was persecuted, and looked at Xiaobai dangerously.

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