His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 962: Mysterious Life Uncovered (22)

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The doctors at the Hot Springs Club first came to check the health of Su Qianyi and Shen Yiren, let them drink plenty of light tea, and relieve the drugs in the body!

At the same time, Su Ya also treated the wound on her head.

Soon the police came, and even the Su family and the Lu family came.

The incident was a little bit troublesome. Father Su and Xu Laifeng came, and Shen Ling's landing leader also came.

When the police saw these two families, they suddenly didn't know what to do. The two other families, she really hoped that they wouldn't make things big, and they could resolve the matter internally.

Seeing that time was okay, Shen Lingshuang and Chief Lu immediately relieved, for fear that she would hurt herself and the children in her stomach.

When Xu Yafeng saw Su Ya be beaten like this, his face turned pale, "Yaya, where did you get hurt?"

Then shouted at the house: "Who, who, who hurt my daughter? !!!"

Father Su looked at his daughter and granddaughter, frowned frantically, and asked, "What's going on?

Suya sobbed and wept, her face was full of tears.

She controlled her emotions and looked at Grandpa Su sadly: "Grandpa, grandpa ... I don't know what happened to me, it seems like something happened to my aunt, I was worried to come and see, and the results ... time, She said nothing, and hit me, "she said, touching her face:" how can she bully our family like this ... "

From beginning to end, Su Ya did not show any panic, she had adjusted her mood already.

Not only was she not afraid of things being broken down, but she felt a sense of blessing from misfortunes. She felt that after this incident, the Lu family and the Su family broke down completely, which was a pleasant surprise!

But in her heart, there was still a suppressed anger.

The **** of time hits her with such recklessness ... she will never let go of time! !!

Xu Yafeng's face was iron blue, and his sharp voice sounded: "You are a little **** and a wild seed watch, you dare to treat my daughter this way ..."

She cursed violently and viciously, without stopping.

Shen Lingshuang heard the anger and yelled at her: "Mrs. Su !!"

Xu Yafeng was a little afraid of Shen Lingshuang, and immediately stopped talking, but still angry.

Shen Lingshuang walked to Shi Guang and held Shi Guang's hand: "Don't be afraid, you are from the Lu family. No one dares to bully you."

Chief Lu also came to the time, and the words came out in a straightforward way: "Yes, if you have a grievance, you are in trouble, and we will take it for you if there is something !!!!"

Speaking of this sentence, Chief Minister Lu was astonished.

After being surprised, her heart was full of emotion, her nose was sore, and she was really lucky to have met such a good father-in-law and mother-in-law.

All the people present were shocked.

I never thought that Chief Lu would actually speak so directly, but this directly caused the relationship between the Lu family and the Su family to face each other.

The people in this circle are all human beings. Everyone knows that even if there is any discrepancy in the secret, they will never put it on the facade.

Everyone thought that they had heard it wrong. As a result, Chief Lu stood upright after speaking.

Xu Yafeng looked at Chief Lu in astonishment, only to feel that this Shen Ling was crazy, and this Chief Lu was also crazy. Actually, for a stinky girl, he didn't care about his identity, and just went out and broke the face with the Lu family.

She was afraid, but she believed that Father Su would not be afraid! !!

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