His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 969: The Mysterious Life Revealed (29)

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Time ignored her and just looked at Mr. Su: "To this day Chihiro has suddenly made me realize a very important and important issue ... Su Ya, Yang Sitong, and Yan Zi bullied my sister together and killed my sister Becoming a vegetative, I really hate them, I hate them in particular. I did n’t think of revenge. When I was extreme, I wanted to kill them every day, kidnapped? Arson? Anyway, in all kinds of cruel ways, but in the end My grandmother has taught me that revenge is not the most important thing, and pro-human talent is the most important thing! So I make a wish in front of the Bodhisattva, and as long as my sister wakes up, as long as she is fine, I can forgive them.

She blinked red eyes and looked at Su Ya and said, "In my sister's case, you should be afraid of me, right? After all, it's you that's wrong, I'm willing to ignore it, and didn't seek revenge from you, are you Should n’t you be happy? You should n’t interfere with me like a stranger. Do n’t bother anyone, it ’s best to keep the well water forever in your life? But why do you always have to pick things with me? ? "

The questioning of time made Su Ya stiffen.

"When you knew that I and Chihiro were dealing with each other, I tried everything possible, even using bitterness, to forcibly stop me from communicating with Chihiro. Not only that, you also sent someone to follow us and wanted to know what we said and what we did, Including today, you can let Chihiro get started. If this thing is successful today, Chihiro will never be with Big Brother, and the Lu family and the Su family will not be able to communicate with each other, and I will not be able to interact with Chihiro again. Be friends !!! "

Listening, Su Ya yelled out of control: "Don't talk nonsense, don't frame me !!!"

Time tickled and laughed.

"I started to wonder why you are doing this? I thought it was you who killed my sister, because I was afraid that it would be revealed in secret, so I would stop us from going to each other until I got a paternity test, when I knew myself and Chihiro After my relationship, I thought about everything that happened between us, and I was wondering if it would be related to it !!! "

After speaking, Time released the silver lock that had been worn on his body during this time.

Hanging in the air with the rope in his hand, he slowly swayed, and glowed silver under the light.

When Father Su saw the silver lock, his pupils suddenly tightened.

Unbelievable flashed on his face, and he suddenly stood up.

Obviously, he showed that he never imagined that this silver lock could come out again.

He snatched the silver lock from the time, carefully looked and looked again, to be sure that it was the silver lock in his heart, and immediately hurried to the time: "This ... how could this silver lock be on you ?!"

Time glanced and said quietly, "It's my dad's thing. Dad was thrown into the orphanage when he was born. It is the only thing other than clothing on dad's body. When his sister was born, he gave it as a gift. After my sister became a vegetative, all of her stuff was here with me! "

Father Su said with a trembling voice: "This is the birth gift I gave to the boss. When he was in the hospital, when the boss was born, he put it on his neck, but when he lost it in the hospital, how could it be in you? On dad? "

Lu Yanchen said lightly: "Master, maybe you don't lose the silver lock, but the child!"

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