It took Han Fei for a long time to make her tone tremble so that she didn't panic so much.

She quickly took out her handkerchief. This is still the result of her embroidery class. It is her most successful work that was left and carried on her body. Han Fei has been complacent about this for a long time, but now she can't care about her heartache. , I just wiped the hearts of Qin Che's palms one by one, she wiped them very carefully, not even leaving a trace of blood.

Qin Che looked at her like this, feeling a little helpless, and said, "It will happen when the season changes, so don't worry."

Han Fei's **** hands paused. She felt a little sore in her eyes. Until this moment, she finally understood how accurate the'S-level' disease in the system's mouth was. She hadn't seen it for a few days. But his body can undergo such drastic changes at any time, and even coughing up blood is commonplace.

Qin Che didn't know, the more calm he was and the less he cared, the more distressed and nervous Han Fei was.

Han Fei said disappointedly: "Why can't I even see this one? Am I too useless?"

Han Fei was not only disappointed, but even embarrassed. She kept saying in front of him that she believed her. She had always been proud of her medical skills, but she couldn't even see this. If there is no way to save him, forget it, even relieve it. Can't do it, can't find out the cause of the disease, can't do anything, she doctor, what qualifications to be a doctor! What about the attending doctor? Oh, that's ridiculous.

Just when Han Fei was in despair, a big hand covered her head and patted it lightly. Han Fei was patted so that she nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, but her eyes widened.

"You are just a doctor, you are not a god."

Han Fei's loss was gradually healed. She sniffed and said, "Do you think I am useless?"

"will not."

Han Fei muttered to herself: "Really..."

Qin Che retracted his hand and said suddenly: "You haven't given me acupuncture for a long time."

Han Fei was taken aback, raised her head blankly, and met his gentle eyes.

Han Fei gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, I'll give you acupuncture!"

Having said that, Han Fei took out the silk ribbon she had always carried with her and wrapped her eyes numbly. She even carried the needle pack. At this time, she was overly worried about his body and his negligence. His leg got sick.

"Master, it will hurt a bit."


Han Fei took a deep breath and pulled out the needle.

Outside the door, the night was getting deeper and Yuntao stood a little tired, and couldn't help but look for the wind nearby to talk, and said, "Fuck, do you know what Girl Han is doing inside?"

Yun Tao was really curious about this, even though she had been used to the reports from Han Fei from time to time for such a short period of time, she still didn't know the true details of Han Fei.

Haifeng's face sank, and he suddenly said, "The season is about to change."

Yun Tao was taken aback, and then she seemed to feel the coolness of the night, dullly thinking that summer is about to pass and autumn is coming.


Yuntao's voice was full of worry.

In the past, the prince’s half-life could be killed every time the season changed. Every time this is a time for everyone to be nervous, even a few shadow guards are ready to kidnap the doctor to come to treat illness at any time, but most of it is not. As a last resort, he would not kidnap the doctor.

Some slightly famous doctors are blessed by big families. It is not that simple to rob a person at random. What’s more, in a situation like the prince, the doctor who is robbed will eventually be killed by the shadow guard, in order not to reveal anything. News, as for the emperor to find the court doctor? That is simply a fantasy, the one above this palace wished that the prince would die like this!

Hayate looked at Yun Tao's worried look, and said, "Girl Han's medical skills should be okay."

Yuntao turned her head, frowned, and said, "But Girl Han is a woman..."

Even if the girl Han really knows medical skills, how can she inherit true medical skills as a woman? Yun Tao often goes out to do errands, and knows the twists and turns inside. Who is not a stubborn old man of feudalism among those highly respected healers? All of them took the female disciples as a devil and avoided them, let alone accept them as disciples!

Haifeng interrupted: "I never believed in girl Han's medical skills."

Yuntao was surprised, "That..."

"But last time, I accidentally dropped the cup and hit the prince's lap, and the prince flashed."

Yun Tao immediately laughed and said: "You can still make such a small mistake, it's not like you idiot!"

Hayate just looked at her quietly.

Yun Tao stopped talking suddenly, and then her eyes widened, and she stammered: "You, what did you just say? Lord, there was a flash?"

Seeing that she finally recovered, Haifeng said, "Well, although the magnitude is small, I saw it."

Yuntao was stiff.

They all knew how serious the prince’s leg disease was, and that was something that almost every one of them would not touch.

but now……

Yun Tao couldn't help reaching out and grabbing the corner of Hayate's clothes, and she seemed to say, "Are you kidding me? Is this true?"

Hayate nodded, his expression serious.

Yuntao's expression is extremely complicated, she wants to laugh and cry, but one thing is certain, in the future, she will never treat Han Fei as an ordinary guest, and she even regrets it very much. Why didn't she show it in the past? attentive!

"Fool, you should have told me earlier! I don't know if Girl Han thinks I am too cold, alas, I'm so..."

Haifeng calmed down and said, "Girl Han doesn't like flattering people, so you can just keep it as it is."

Yun Tao was thinking about what she had to do to keep the girl Han, and she was still anxious for the prince. Such a good doctor should stay no matter what she said! What's more, the identity of Han Fei's woman is more evasive!

In the room, Han Fei’s back was soaked with sweat. She took the needle and sat down on the chair with a bit of strength, panting. Until this time, her fingertips were still trembling. This is a sequelae of being too serious. Now, her strength was emptied, but it was not in vain.

After a while, Han Fei took off the blindfold, and Qin Che was already sitting there neatly, seeing her look over and said, "I'm fine."

Han Fei smiled bitterly, and said, "Your legs are getting better, but your body is getting weaker and weaker. Lord, I really don't know what to do now. What should I do to save you."

After Han Fei finished speaking, she gently covered her mouth. This was originally just what she said in her heart, but she accidentally said it, and then looked at Qin Che nervously.

"No, I didn't mean that, I just... I mean, I want to save you, I don't want to see you like this, this is not the first time this kind of coughing up blood, your body... is too weak."

Qin Che hummed softly.

Han Fei felt uncomfortable.

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