On a pale yellow planet at the far edge of the universe, the Dragon Ball Legion's spaceship slowly sailed in.

The person in charge of Legion 78 on the spaceship looked at the planet in front of him and asked the people on the side,

"Which planet is this and are there humans on it?"

An alien came out and said:

"Legion Commander, this is the border planet Bampa, where we collected the old distress signal from Frieza's army."

"But it's been a long time ago, and it doesn't look like there are people here. How about we change places?"

The legion commander glared at the speaker,

"Master Xiao Han has told us that every planet with humans must be conquered without any problems!"

"Forget it this time, if you dare to say such words next time, you will be punished by military law!"

The legion commander snorted coldly and led everyone off the spacecraft. There are yellow plants growing everywhere on this planet, and the ground is all yellow.

"Spread out and look for anyone alive!"


More than a dozen aliens flew into the sky and flew in all directions.

Only the legion commander and the alien who just spoke were left.

"Legion Commander, this should be the last planet!"

"When this planet is conquered, we can exchange it for the training techniques from the headquarters!"

"I heard that the adults above became so powerful after practicing this technique!"

The legion commander had a smile on his face,

"That's right, it's the last planet. As long as someone conquers it and drops the dragon ball, we can exchange it for the first form of the Five Birds Body Training!"

"But I heard that it only works if it is paired with high gravity. Planets with more than twice the gravity are so hard to find!"

"The military industry consumption of using the 10 times gravity chamber at the headquarters is too high! Unaffordable!"

"I heard that the high-gravity planets in the entire universe are selling like crazy! The price has increased by thousands, tens of thousands of times!"

The alien sighed,

"yes! But some improvements are enough. I heard that the headquarters’ training techniques can increase combat effectiveness by 3,650 points in one year even under double gravity, and you can directly become an elite warrior!"

The legion commander shook his head,

"What kind of elite warrior? That was in the past, but now you don’t have the combat power of tens of thousands, so you have the nerve to call yourself an elite warrior?"

"The era of thousands of combat power has passed! In the past, it was extremely difficult to improve combat effectiveness. Weak people will always be weak."

"Now the headquarters has introduced such an exchange policy. As long as you are willing to work hard, a weak person can become a strong person!"

"Do you know how many people in the universe want to join our Dragon Ball Legion and use these resources to reach the sky?"

"There is a huge gap between us now and us in the past. We used to be yelled at and killed, but now we have become the envy of others!"

"I have to say that Lord Xiao Han is really wise!"

When the alien heard the word Xiao Han, a look of admiration appeared on his face.

"Master Xiao Han is too powerful! And wisdom! I heard that what Master Piccolo prepared was arranged by Master Xiao Han!"

"Almost all the resources exchanged for military industry were prepared by Master Xiao Han, and even the cultivation method was created by Master Xiao Han. It’s amazing!"

The legion commander said with feverish eyes:

"yes! Lord Xiao Han is like a god!"

"It's a pity that those better resources require too much military industry! If only I could find a Saiyan!"

A voice suddenly sounded,

"Why are you looking for a Saiyan?"

The legion commander replied subconsciously:

"Master Xiao Han asked the whole universe to search for those Saiyans who are still alive! Lord Vegeta is a Saiyan, and I heard that there are two other Lords who are also Saiyans!"

The next second, the legion commander felt something was wrong. Everyone in the legion knew about the search for Saiyans. Lord Vegeta personally informed him.

He turned his head sharply and found that his own soldier had fallen to the ground. On the ground, behind him was a guy wearing a combat uniform with white hair and beard.

The legion commander subconsciously looked at the combat power detector. The combat power was 4,000 points!

The legion commander breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he only had 4,000 combat power points. , as the commander of the 78th Legion, although he is not particularly strong, he still has 5,000 combat points.

He looked at the old man with the white beard with an angry face and shouted angrily:

"Who are you? Dare to attack our Dragon Ball Legion? Do you want to die?!"

Dragon Ball Legion? Paragus frowned, what kind of legion is this? I've never heard of it!

"Why are you looking for Saiyans?"

The legion commander snorted coldly,

"Do we need to tell you why we are looking for a Saiyan? How dare you kill my people! I want you to look good!"

As the legion commander prepared to attack, Paragas looked up to the sky and roared:


The legion commander was stunned for a moment, not knowing what the old man was shouting.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the distance, and a burly guy flew over.

The legion commander's combat power detector began to adjust crazily,"Boom, combat power. The detector immediately rolled its eyes.

They still use the old combat power detector used when Frieza was around. Once the combat power exceeds 200,000, it will explode.

Xiao Han hasn't made many new combat power detectors yet. You know there are millions of people in the Dragon Ball Legion. How long will it take for everyone to have a new combat power detector?

Piccolo simply put it directly into the list of military merits, which can only be redeemed with military merits.

Seeing the explosion of the combat power detector, the legion commander suddenly shrank and quietly took two steps back.

Broly stood beside Paragas and looked at the legion commander.

Paragas snorted coldly and asked again:

"What are you doing with a Saiyan?"

Paragas thought it was Frieza's Legion who came to save him, so he ran over happily, but he didn't expect that he didn't recognize the logo on the spaceship.

You must know that everyone is shouting about Frieza's Legion, so if someone If he didn't save himself, he would be doomed, so he ran over secretly.

Unexpectedly, he happened to hear that they were looking for Saiyans, so he spoke out.

The legion leader answered honestly this time:

"It was the order given by Master Xiao Han, the master of the Dragon Ball Legion. As long as a Saiyan is recovered, a large amount of military merit can be rewarded!"

Paragas heard the name of Dragon Ball Legion again and asked doubtfully:

"What is Dragon Ball Legion? Why have I never heard of it! Also, Planet Vegeta is not all Saiyans, so why do we have to look for them all over the universe?"

The legion commander glanced at Paragas strangely.

"Planet Vegeta was destroyed more than ten years ago!"

Paragas was startled, and then returned to normal. No matter if he was destroyed, King Vegeta should be damned!

Paragas' tail swung. When the legion commander saw it, his eyes shrank and he lost his voice:

"You are a Saiyan!"

Paragas nodded,

"Yes, I'm a Saiyan! What is this Dragon Ball Legion?"

The legion commander said cautiously:

"The Dragon Ball Legion is the original Frieza Legion, but after Frieza was killed by Lord Xiao Han, the legion was taken over and renamed the Dragon Ball Legion."

Paragus looked shocked.

"What! King Frieza was killed?! What about his father, the King of Kurds? How could the Kurdish King allow the Legion to be seized?"

The legion commander shrank his head. What he feared most has happened. This guy can't be Frieza's loyal subordinate.

No, you can't show your cowardice. You have to scare him.

"The Kurdish King was also killed by Lord Xiao Han. Now the universe is decided by Lord Xiao Han. I advise you not to mess around. The spaceships of Dragon Ball Legion have their own positions."

"If something happens to me, you will never be able to escape!"

To be honest, Paragas was really frightened.

Beings as powerful as Frieza and King Kurd were killed, so this Xiao Han must be even more powerful. What if he escapes by himself as the legion commander said? The universe is also a dead end.

Paragus smiled,

"Don't worry, I won't mess around! I'm a member of Frieza's Legion, no, Dragon Ball Legion"

"Why are Dragon Ball Legion looking for Saiyans?"

The legion commander breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"I don’t know, but I feel like we should be cultivating Saiyans! There are three Saiyans under Lord Xiao Han, and they are all very powerful!"

"Especially Lord Vegeta almost killed the Kurdish King!"

Paragus's face turned cold when he heard Vegeta's name.

The reason why he and Broly were here was that King Vegeta was afraid that Broly would be stronger than Vegeta, so he sent Broly to Lee was exiled.

He came here because of Broly, but the spaceship broke down and he was stranded on this planet. He was trapped for more than ten years!

King Vegeta was his enemy, and Vegeta was even more his. Enemy!

However, how could Vegeta be so strong?

When he was born, his combat power did not exceed Broly, and it should be impossible to surpass Broly now! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

The strength of the Kurdish King and Frieza is absolutely impossible for Broly to deal with now!

"Is Vegeta strong enough to kill the Kurdish King? I have seen him when he was a child, but even after more than ten years, he would not be so strong!"

The legion commander raised his head and said:

"Of course it would be impossible if he was practicing normally, but Lord Vegeta was lucky enough to meet Lord Xiao Han!"

"Master Xiao Han taught Master Vegeta how to practice, and Master Vegeta's combat power increased by millions in just a few months!"

"Maybe it’s because the Saiyans’ strength improves so quickly that Master Xiao Han seeks out the Saiyans."

"I advise you, follow me back to the Dragon Ball Legion headquarters, maybe Mr. Xiao Han will train you hard and make you as strong as Mr. Vegeta in the future!"

Paragas's eyes flickered. Is this Xiao Han really that powerful?

Can he increase Vegeta's combat power by millions in a few months?!

Why does it sound like a fantasy?!

However, it can be done. Go and take a look. Only King Vegeta and a few people know about your affairs.

Vegeta definitely doesn't know about this. Vegeta would still be a baby at that time!

"Okay, I'll go back with you! My son Broly is a Saiyan too!"

The legion commander's eyes lit up,"Two Saiyans!

They've made a lot of money! They've made a lot of money!"

"good! I'll get my people back now and we'll set off immediately!"

At the same edge of the universe, there is a blue and green planet Mushroom Star. The difference between this planet and Bampa Star is that it has already been conquered by Frieza.

Since he is at the edge of the universe, the transmission of information is slower. Until today, the residents of the planet did not know that their master had changed.

Frieza was killed and the planet was taken over by the Dragon Ball Legion.

When they thought they were just entering another tiger pack from a wolf pack, they discovered that it seemed that the Dragon Ball Legion had not Not as evil as Frieza's Legion.

On Mushroom Planet, a short, thin and delicate man was stunned when he heard about Dragon Ball Legion.

He was wearing a sky blue battle suit, with a tail swinging behind him, and he was also a Saiyan.

He is Tabur!

At this moment, his face was in disbelief.

"Brother Vegeta actually became the executive officer of Frieza's Legion! Unbelievable!"

"But I am still a weakling, my combat power is not even 1000, I am such a failure!"

Besides, a short man with a round head and a round head held Tabur's hand and comforted him:

"It's okay, Tabur, in Guli's heart you are the best!"

"If you want to find your brother, Guli is willing to accompany you!"

Tabur looked at Guli with a moved face and grabbed her hands.

"Mushroom power! Thank you!"

"But forget it! I am so weak, I will definitely embarrass my brother in the past!"

At this time, another little white man with a round head ran over.

"Tabor! The elder is looking for you!"

Tabur was stunned. Why did the elder suddenly look for him?

Guli and Tabur followed the villain to a palace. At this moment, the elder was talking to several people in combat uniforms.

After seeing Tabur come in, everyone's eyes They all moved to him.

The 34th person in charge of Dragon Ball Legion showed a smile when he saw Tabur's tail, and said to the elder on the side:

"very good! It's indeed a Saiyan! Your ten years of worship can be waived. When the rewards from the headquarters come down, I will send them to you!"

The elder also smiled and said respectfully:

"Thank you sir!"

Tabur looked confused. Why did he feel like he was betrayed?

The person in charge came to Tabur and said:

"Hello Saiyan, I am the leader of the 34th Legion of the Dragon Ball Legion. Our Dragon Ball Legion is inviting Saiyans to join!"

903"Come to our Dragon Ball Legion, enjoy endless glory and wealth, and it will also make you stronger and become the strongest man in the universe!"

Tabur was stunned, becoming the strongest man in the universe?

Who doesn't want to be the strongest man in the universe?

Tabur doesn't want to stay on the edge of the universe all the time, but what can he do, his strength is so weak.

He has tried various methods, but none of them work. There was no way to become stronger, and after more than ten years, he was in despair.

He was a Saiyan, and he had the fighting blood of Saiyans in his body. When he heard that he could become stronger, he was excited!

But when he thought about his appearance , and hesitated a little.

The elder on the side also advised:

"Go ahead, kid! The Dragon Ball Legion is now the most powerful legion in the universe. With you here, no one on our entire planet dares to bully us!"

"And haven’t you always wanted to become stronger? The master of Dragon Ball Legion is a magical man, and he will find ways to make you stronger!"

Tabur's eyes sparkled,

"Really? Can I really become stronger?!"

The person in charge nodded,

"certainly! The magic of Master Xiao Han is beyond your imagination!"

"How many people want to join Dragon Ball Legion now just because they want to become stronger!"

"So come with us! It will definitely become stronger!"

Tabur showed a smile on his face and nodded.

"OK, I'll go with you!"

Then he looked at Guli again and said affectionately:

"Guli, come with me!"

The entire universe has gradually spread that the Dragon Ball Legion is looking for traces of Saiyans. Whether it is a planet or an individual, as long as a Saiyan is found and brought to the Dragon Ball Legion, he will be rewarded. If a

Saiyan joins the Dragon Ball Legion, The rewards are doubled!

And the rewards are extremely generous. Not only the people from the Dragon Ball Legion are looking for Saiyans, but people from various planets are also looking for Saiyans on their own territory.

Unfortunately, Saiyans are really Too little!

On an unknown planet in the universe, a tall and mighty man flew into a spaceship

"Look what I found out from the Galactic Patrol?"

Daz took a bite of the fruit in his hand and glanced at Amondo,

"What news? Tell me quickly! We have to go to the next planet!"

Amondo glanced at the guy in combat uniform sitting at the top. There was a tail wagging behind him.

"Frieza was killed, and the master of Frieza's Legion was renamed the Dragon Ball Legion and now rules the entire universe."

"Moreover, the Dragon Ball Legion is offering a bounty. Anyone who can find a Saiyan and bring it to the Dragon Ball Legion will receive a huge reward."

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Dares at the top.

Dares raised his head with a smile on his lips.

"oh? Looking for a Saiyan? It’s interesting!"

"And Frieza, the Emperor of the Universe, is actually dead! What a shock!"

Dales thought for a moment and said to several people:

"Change course and check out Dragon Ball Legion!" ps: Thank you for the monthly vote of the Stinky Star God Ergo! Thank you for your support! I am stuck in the writing process. I am seriously stuck in writing, so I write very slowly! If I can write it, I will write it. If I can’t write it, there is nothing I can do.

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