After pushing open the pitch-black quaint gate, Luna did not enter.

The treasury is important, and no one else is allowed to enter unless the first emperor allows it.

The task of the moon god is only to lead Jiang Huang here, and if she continues to go inside, she has no authority.


The treasury is extremely vast, divided into three layers: inside and outside.

The first layer is filled with some ordinary martial arts, the most common and most widely spread body forging method.

The second layer is the exclusive study of various schools and families in the rivers and lakes, some of which were snatched up after being wiped out by the imperial court, and some of which took the initiative to hand them in for some benefits, such as changing an official and a half-job.

As for the last layer, it is the profound heritage of Daqin for so many years.

Every time you take out a copy, it is a secret method that is not passed down.

It's just hard to cultivate.

With Jiang Huang's current cultivation, he didn't need to be too inscrutable, so he wandered around on the second layer.

A simple and yellowed book, held by Jiang Huang in the palm of his hand, those obscure and difficult sentences that require patience to experience, but in Jiang Huang's opinion, they can be easily integrated, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is ten lines at a glance.

"So many secrets... It's really rich..."

Jiang Huang couldn't help but smack his tongue.

However, this once again confirms the worries of the first emperor.

With so many martial arts cheats, but not many masters, it is really a weak martial arts.

"What I need most is body style."

On power.

The True Martial Sword Technique can cut everything in the world, it is a perfect sword technique, and it cannot pick out any flaws.

But in the process of going up the mountain before, the moon god seemed to walk slowly, but in fact, with each step, his figure seemed to float up, and the speed was surprisingly fast.

Jiang Huang used Zhenyuan to barely catch up.

That's the disadvantage of not having light work.

"There are also defenses, and the secret to exercising mental power."

Jiang Huang licked his mouth, his eyes were hot, and he stepped forward step by step.

On the white jade platforms in front of them, the top martial arts were placed.

Jiang Huang had an idea.

Neither aspect can be left behind.

If you want to create the most perfect physical body, you must first become a hexagonal warrior in the martial arts world.

[You read hundreds of books of superior light skills, light as a swallow, and create a peerless body of thunder and light! ] 】

Next second.

Jiang Huang's body seemed to have a flash of thunder on the surface, and between the flashes of his figure, the sound of thunder sounded faintly in his ears.

Afterimage said.

The whole person seemed to transform into a gray-white arrow, but it gave people an indescribable sense of sharpness.

"What a speed!"

Jiang Huang was shocked.

Rao was taken aback.

In front of 'Lei Guanglong', what kind of snow to find plum, Tiyun Zheng and the like are weakly exploded.

If he went up the mountain again, Jiang Huang was confident that with this lightning speed, he would fall far away from the moon god.

"With this peerless school, it is to face the grandmaster, and even the master of the Vientiane Realm, as long as I want to run, no one can stop it."

Jiang Huang turned around.

Looking for some refining skills.


The second floor of the cool treasury.

Jiang Huang supported the ground with two fingers, and his legs were parallel to the ground, supporting his entire body to rise and fall.

Sweat wet his clothes, and streams of sweat ran down his cheeks and pooled on the ground to form a large trail of water.

[You observe the art of forging the body of a hundred books, which can be called a copper skin and iron bone, tempering the flesh body to the extreme, and creating the world's first body forging technique-the Great Nether Dharma Body! ] 】

Jiang Huang closed his eyes tightly.

Between the tense muscles of his body, a terrifying cold aura that wrapped around everything that froze everything exuded.

That kind of cold breath is extremely cold, and once it is invaded by the human body, even the internal force will be quickly frozen.

Without using Zhenyuan, Jiang Huang stepped out in one step and slammed a punch into the huge wooden frame in front of him.


The walls vibrate.

The shelf that was more than one person high burst open, countless wood chips burst out, and at the break, there was frost condensation.

"Water and fire do not invade, knives and guns do not enter!"

Counting the days, he has been in the treasury for more than half a month.

Three meals a day are delivered.

Except for the necessary eating and sleeping, the rest of the time is spent observing and comprehending.

The harvest was huge.


Xianyang Palace.

The First Emperor had just finished breakfast and picked up the fold, but his thoughts were confused.

"Your Majesty, why are you restless?"

The voice of the moon god sounded.

Shi Huang Huan Zheng frowned slightly, and said what he thought: "That child, how long has it been since he entered the treasury?" "

"It's been half a month."

Luna responded in a low voice.

Shi Huang Huan Zheng took a deep breath: "It's too long, it's not enough to eat a fat person in one bite, and even if you are a Tianzhun wizard, it is difficult to digest." "

"Your Majesty seems to care about him?"

Luna asked meaningfully.

The First Emperor's face was gloomy, and his voice gradually lowered: "You also know what Gu Gu's obsession is over the years, if Jiang Huang can really become a land immortal, maybe he can find a way to immortalize Gu." "

"If there is loneliness, Daqin will not die, although that child is a child, it is the hope of the entire Daqin."

It's unimaginable.

Domineering as an ancestral dragon, he will pin the hope of the country on a child.

"That's right... Xu Fu has no news yet? "

The first emperor changed the subject.

The moon god shook his head, and there was a little more confusion in his beautiful eyes: "According to the trigram results, Xu Fu is still alive, but for so long, there has been no news." "

"It is rumored in the rivers and lakes that a supreme master has appeared in the Daming Dynasty, named Emperor Shitian, who is somewhat similar to Xu Fu..."

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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