Everyone was very curious about Li Wei’s state at this time, wondering what kind of situation it had reached.

Levi chuckled

“It is the first step on the road I envisioned, and I have gained a little, and further research is needed in the future.”

Everyone looked at each other, you know, Levi’s temperament they understand, what he said has a little gain, and what others think, is completely different!

It can also be seen from the scene of heaven caused by Levi before.

“However, the cultivation method I have created at present is completely based on my own body research, and it is not suitable for others, and when I completely open the road in the future, I may be able to let all my brothers follow this path as well.”

Levi’s expression was fierce and serious.

That’s what he thought.

If the law of immortality passes, then he will definitely think of leaving a legacy and completely changing the direction of this world.

Of course, once he wants to leave a legacy, he will definitely give priority to his own people!

Every cultivation method, if you want to perfect, it is not enough to rely on the power of one person, only by spreading it all over the world, allowing everyone to use it, and the inspiration that bursts out from it is the ladder of progress!

That’s what Levi needs, too!

Seeing this, everyone laughed, and Saatchi laughed

“Then brothers are waiting, maybe our cultivation domineering talent is not high, but cultivating the cultivation method you created, we have talent?” In short, changing tracks is definitely only beneficial. ”


Everyone looked at each other and laughed.

At this time, Marko couldn’t help but ask

“Li Wei, what effect does this method of yours have, can you show us?”

Not only Marko, but everyone else looked at Li Wei curiously, obviously, they also wanted to know what was the magic of the cultivation method that Li Wei spent several years to create, which could be compared to the cultivation method of the Heavenly God!

Levi chuckled and said

“Before that, let me give my brothers a small gift.”

Saying that, Levi issued an exclusive healing card to each captain.

Saatchi was a little curious and said

“Levi, what is this? Looks like a life card? ”

“Hahahaha, brothers, you put the first drop of blood on this card, or enter your breath of life.”

Everyone is basically dripping blood, but Marko can directly enter his own Qingyan, the effect is the same, enter life information, is to add this healing card, add a password.

The password is wrong, and it is useless if someone else takes it.


The faces of everyone were full of surprise, especially Marko.

I saw that with the binding of the breath of life, the card seemed to come to life, and a green light appeared, and this green light seemed to contain a strong vitality!

Marko said a little nervously

“Little brother, this thing?!”

Levi smiled and nodded.

Marko was a little nervous, but as if the boulder in his heart could be put down, he looked tangled.

Everyone was a little confused, and couldn’t help but ask:

“Levi, Marko, what are you playing dumb riddles?”

Marko was silent for a moment and said

“I want to ask if the green light that flashed just now has healing power, and Levi means that there is.”

Everyone was not stupid and shouted one after another:

“So what are you waiting for? We don’t want this card, give it all to daddy, see if it has any effect! ”

Looking at Li Wei with some emotion, this is the white-bearded pirate group.

He quickly waved his hand and said

“Brothers, rest assured, this is my ability, I can directly heal others, but I have saved a little healing power, you put it on your body, you may be able to use it.”

Everyone agreed and put away the exclusive healing card.

Levi was also afraid that they would give this thing to other crew members, so he reminded him

“This is only a specific breath of life to induce, that is to say, what you have in your hands at the moment is an exclusive healing card, only you are useful, and others are ineffective.”

Everyone nodded silently, they also knew that this thing was specially prepared for them by Levi, maybe they had all kinds of good brothers and families in their own team, but they couldn’t ask Levi to give the entire pirate group 1,600 people, and get one by hand, right?

Is that impure kidnapping?

Seeing that everyone already understood, Li Wei didn’t say much, and said with a smile:

“Now that I have just taken the first step, my means have not been developed much, but at least a little, maybe there is a real chance to cure Daddy.”

“So what are you waiting for? Let’s go to Daddy’s! ”

Everyone couldn’t wait for a moment, and pulled Levi to run to the place where Whitebeard was treated.

It has always been their long-cherished wish to be able to treat Whitebeard well.

Marko, as a ship doctor, knows medical skills, and he naturally understands why his father’s treatment does not have too good results, and can only be kept from deterioration.

The fundamental reason is that the previous treatment originally consumed life potential, and Dad was injured too much, and now he is old, so the method of stimulating life force to heal the body is completely useless.

As for drug treatment, it has also been used for a long time, and now it is precisely with drug treatment to ensure that the body does not deteriorate, but it is already the limit.

But Marko felt the vitality from Levi’s means just now, perhaps, this is a way to increase the vitality through the outside, in theory, it is possible to be effective!

When Marko and the others pulled Levi to find Whitebeard, Whitebeard had just finished physiotherapy and was drinking.

This made everyone speechless for a while, just after the physiotherapy, you have to drink a few sips, isn’t this done in vain?

Of course, they can’t ask their dad to stop drinking, so they can only assume that they didn’t see it.

Seeing everyone coming, Whitebeard laughed

“Yo, little Levi is here, you haven’t appeared for a long time, well, your breath, actually gave daddy a vague sense of oppression, it seems that you succeeded.”

Marko and the others were instantly shocked, you look at me and I look at you, look at each other!

Their estimate of Levi has been raised as much as possible, but they never expected that even Dad felt a sense of oppression?!

Could it be said that Levi has become a master of the same level as the world’s strongest man like his father?

Levi chuckled

“Don’t think too much, it’s that my cultivation method is relatively special, and the essence of life has changed a little, and it is not directly related to strength.”

Everyone wants to scold a little, obviously it’s even more terrifying, okay?

The essence of life has changed, the little brother is no longer a man, really become a god?

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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