“Whitebeard brother, then I will recognize this godbrother, hahahaha, I wait for the day when his name will spread all over the sea!”

“Goo la! Red-haired imp, just wait for him to surpass you! ”

For the future of this baby, he and the redhead are very optimistic, born with the language of the sea king, and such a child, in front of him and the redhead, did not show the slightest appearance of crying.

You know, the baby’s perception is very keen, and ordinary babies are likely to be scared to cry when they appear in front of the strong – unless the strong person is approached with love, such as when approaching their own heirs.

And this child, from the very beginning, had a smile on his face, as if he did not feel the slightest danger.

All this shows that this child was born extraordinary!

In fact, Levi is indeed laughing, the white-beard is the father, and the redhead is a cheap brother, this network, how to say that it is also a second generation, although it is not as good as the protagonist, Wang Luffy, but in terms of background, it is also one of the best on the sea.

Whitebeard laughed

“It just so happens that you are also there, and the old man is going to name him Levi, what do you think?”

As soon as his eyes moved, the name naturally appeared in Whitebeard’s heart, and he blurted out subconsciously, and hearing this name, Levi’s face smiled even more.

The redhead was slightly stunned and said with a smile:

“Haha, it seems that this little guy likes this name very much, Levi, not bad!”

“Since the banquet is over and the wine is finished, this kid will get rid of the white-bearded brother, and I will come to you to fight next time.”

“Goo la la la, red-haired little ghost, get out of here, don’t disturb the old man’s son to rest!”

The red-haired pirate group left, and the captains of the white-bearded pirate group gathered one after another, looking at the baby in Whitebeard’s hand curiously.

Li Wei also looked at these people curiously, for the Whitebeard Pirates, Li Wei still has a good impression, not only under the concept of the Whitebeard family, the feelings between each other, but also maintain a relatively simple view of good and evil.

For these pirates, Levi does not regard them as vicious people.

You know, in the collapsed world of One Piece, these people can maintain compassion for the weak, protect many islands from other pirates, and do not bully the weak, which is already righteous.

You can’t expect anyone to be like Monchi D. Dragon the same, right?

“In the future, he will be your youngest brother, Levi, smelly boys, you must take good care of him in the future, daddy I don’t know how long I can protect him… Ahem…”

The immortal bird Marko immediately rushed over, ready to suppress Whitebeard’s old wounds with the flame of regeneration.

“Is Daddy all right? Don’t worry, little Levi we will take care of, as for daddy you, you will definitely be able to raise this kid, you are still young! ”

“Goo la ~”

Whitebeard pushed Marko away and laughed

“Okay, the old man is an old injury, you don’t know, as for the old man’s body, the old man himself knows.”

Shifting everyone’s attention to the children, the captains also came over one by one, and the captain of the fourth team, and chef Saatchi, smiled and stretched out a finger and touched Levi’s little face, but was pushed away by Levi in disgust.

Whitebeard laughed

“Your younger brother is not an ordinary child, according to my father’s judgment, he is naturally intelligent, don’t treat him as an ordinary baby.”

Saatchi said with a smile

“In the future, Xiao Livi’s food will all be prepared by me, and I promise to make him fall in love with my craft, hahahahaha.”

Diamond Joz laughed

“Saatchi, our food was originally prepared by you, and Little Levi’s is no exception, do you need to say it specifically? Or did you originally want to be lazy? ”

Everyone laughed, and the appearance of a new brother gave new life to the Moby Dick.


Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, that’s three years.

In the past three years, Levi has shown a completely different evil from other babies.

I can speak in one month, walk in five months, and read in seven months!

And always watch them practice, and from time to time follow the gesture twice, don’t say, there is a look, even, there is momentum!

In the past three years, Levi followed the Whitebeard Regiment on the sea, sometimes looking for a place to replenish supplies, or find an island to rest.

At the same time, he also learned about the era, 1514 in the Haiyuan calendar, when he was three years old.

That is, there are only six years left before the war on top!

Li Wei, who felt that time was not waiting, had long wanted to officially start exercising.

Because he created the foundation building technique when he was a baby, he ate much more than ordinary children, but correspondingly, the development rate was far faster than ordinary children.

At this time, he was three years old, and he had grown to the appearance of an ordinary child of seven or eight years old, and he could already start real exercise!

In the distance, on the sea, the captain of the fifth team, Foil Sword Bista, was training against the captain of the first team, the immortal bird Marko, and Bista swung his sword and cut out one flying slash after another, cutting Marko, but was ignored by Qingyan.

On the side, Levi looked at the battlefield with blazing eyes, and a small wooden sword made for him by Saatchi in his hand also followed the gesture.

[You observed the swordsmanship of the Great Sword Hao, combined with the swordsman battle, you had an epiphany, you comprehended the realm of the swordsman, Jianhao].

Next to them, Saatchi and Diamond Joz looked at Levibi gesturing, and they wanted to laugh a little, but suddenly, the eyes of the two instantly widened!

I saw that Li Wei suddenly stopped moving, and then the small wooden sword in his hand waved casually, and a flying slash instantly cut out, splitting the waves!

“Hell, Joz, I’m not dreaming, am I? I don’t have flowers in my eyes, do I? ”

“Didn’t… You read that right, I also think dazzled, but this is unrealistic! Why? Three-year-old little Li Wei casually cut out the flying slash that Jian Hao can cut??? ”

The eyes of Yizang next to him are also full of shock, as a person from the country of samurai, he can be said to know a lot about swordsmen, but the three-year-old Jianhao, don’t say that he has seen or heard of it!

Over there, the two who were fighting also stopped dumbfounded, and Bista watched with a shocked look on the sea split by Levi to calm down, and muttered:

“Although the power is limited by the physique, it is not strong enough, and it is not even as good as ordinary swordsmen who have not reached the realm of swordsmanship, but there is no mistake, this is a flying slash, but without the physique of a swordsman, why do you slash out a flying slash?”

“This can only be done by blessing the domineering sword hao!”

As a big sword hao, although he is a relatively dish, Bista thinks that he still understands swordsmen very well, but Li Wei in front of him subverts his cognition!

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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