While Leviwo was cultivating at the logistics base, New World.

This is a small country, not included in the sphere of influence of the Four Emperors, and has not joined the world government.

Of course, the reason why he did not join the world government is also very simple, here is poor, can not hand over the heavenly gold, the world government will certainly not be interested in this kind of place, even the pirates are not interested, only those small pirate groups, from time to time come to grab it.

But today, the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates has appeared here.

For the arrival of the pirate group, the people on the island did not have any reaction, anyway, if they were robbed, they would be robbed, what else could they do?

However, the imaginary pirate robbery did not appear, but a man who looked like a beautiful woman appeared, and came to the island with a few of his subordinates.

The reason why Yizang came here is very simple, although this island is poor, it produces several medicinal herbs, although the price is not expensive, but it is also a relatively rare kind, that is, the effect is not very clear, and the price cannot be sold.

Within the Whitebeard Pirates’ own sphere of influence, they have already been searched by these captains, and the medicinal herbs and minerals that can be found have long been searched, and everything has been sent back to the logistics base.

The captains, who had nothing to do, set their sights outside the sphere of influence.

Therefore, Yizang came here to see if the medicinal materials produced here were needed by Li Wei.

With the Yuan Qi Perception Talisman, it is easier to tell whether it is effective or not, and the difficult thing is where to find these things.

However, on the way to the small market in this island town, the front of Eizang was blocked by several people.

“This stench of rats in the gutter, you are members of the CP organization.”

In Tibet’s tone, he was very sure, after all these years in the sea, what temperament the pirates are, what is the temperament of the navy, what is the temperament of those rats in the gutter, and what is the temperament, he can see at a glance.

“What do you want to do in my way? War with the Whitebeard Pirates? ”

Eizo took out the flintlock gun in his hand.

Several people from the CP organization looked at each other and said:

“Captain of the sixteenth team of the Whitebeard Pirates, Eizang, what is your purpose in coming here?”

The members of the CP organization did not care about the threat of Yizang in the slightest.

“Purpose? Do you need to report to you rats? ”

A look of disdain flashed across Yizo’s face, and then he was ready to raise his gun and shoot.

He has no good face for these lackeys of the world government.

In fact, as a warrior from Wano Country, although Izo is not good at swordsmanship and uses flintlock guns against enemies, he is good at armed colors and can use high-level skills to flow Sakura.

Therefore, he initially thought that Levi’s domineering quick method might have little effect on him.

Unexpectedly, not only the rapid enhancement of the color is very effective, even the armed color, he has not been enhanced in skill, but he has unearthed the domineering energy hidden in his body, so that his domineering amount and intensity have increased!

For him, it is also a big enhancement!

For these CP rats blocking the way, Hide, shoot without hesitation!

“Armed color ryuzakura!”

As soon as Yizang makes a move, there is no meaning of the so-called warning, it is directly his own good show!

The armed color domineering is infused into the bullet to enhance the power of the bullet, and at the same time, it is also accompanied by the high-level skill of the armed color domineering of the country of Wano, Ryu Sakura!

The so-called flowing cherry domineering is a mode of use of armed color domineering, which can carry out internal destruction, so it has a strong ability to break defenses and directly attack the enemy’s interior!

The main armed forces of Wano Country are all swordsmen, and swordsmen have always pursued higher lethality, so it is not surprising that such a technique as Ryuzakura was developed.

Of course, it does not mean that internal destruction must be hardened, winding these to be advanced, in essence, are a kind of use of armed color domineering, there is no distinction between high and low, only in the right scene to play the best role.

With a hidden shot, without warning, but it was dodged sideways by this CP0 officer at an extreme speed!



Attached armed color domineering bullets, the destructive power is extremely amazing, through the side of cp0 bombarded on the ground, but the small bullet is like a bomb explosion, directly blasted out of the road surface a big hole!

This is a bullet reinforced with armed color!

This is also the reason why on this sea, the flintlock gun can still be useful in high-end battles!

However, such a swift shot was easily dodged by CP0.

A smile flowed from Yizo’s face:

“Oh? It turned out to be domineering, no wonder it could dodge my shot, but if it dodged, it didn’t hurt? ”

You know, this shot, he attached the cherry blossom!

The bullet dodged it, but when the domineering Sakura made contact, it caused internal damage to the CP!

Chief CP’s face did not have the slightest look of pain, this level of internal destruction could not cause him too much damage!

He sneered and said

“No matter what your purpose is, you dare to take the initiative to attack the World Government CP Organization, the Whitebeard Pirates, are you ready to pay the price?”

I saw this CP with a mask violently pulled out a Western rapier sword, and the pitch-black armed color domineering wrapped around the sword, and then slashed violently!

A flying slash instantly broke through the atmosphere and slashed towards Eizang’s side!

Yizang’s expression was a little solemn, in the CP organization, there was such a strong person of the Great Sword Hao level?

You know, the level of the great sword hao, starting with the imperial vice, and continuing to go up and become an emperor-level powerhouse, it is also possible.

The unknown great sword hao in front of him may not reach the royal level combat power of Yutian and Hawkeye, but he is definitely an imperial deputy who should not be underestimated!

If before, Yizang faced such a combat power, it was only a matter of time before he was defeated, but now, with the help of Li Wei, his strength has changed, and he is still a little like before?

“Armed color bullet slashing pills!”

Strong armed color domineering indoctrination, to hide a shot shot!

The flying slash of the swordsman is obvious, and no bullets fly fast!

The pitch-black bullet came first in an instant, colliding with the flying slash!



With the collision, there was an air explosion, and the pitch-black bullets burst out one after another ring-shaped slashes, directly towards the flying slashes of cp0, and finally, all dissipated in the air!

Yizang’s flashes were full of joy.

In the past, in the face of Bista’s flying slash of the big sword hao, he could only find a way to hide, and could not be cut, after all, the attack power of the big sword hao was not a joke!

But now, he can resist hard with bullets!

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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