“What is this?”

CP0’s big sword hao’s face flashed a trace of incredulity, this Yizang, just now was still hiding his strength?

And now suddenly it doesn’t load, and the bullet power has increased again?

But how is this done?

Is this fruit ability?

Because Yizang instilled the power of vibration, that is, directly instilled into the bullet when shooting, there was no sign of the ability to launch the fruit, so this CP0 big sword hao did not know what the situation was.

In the end, it can only be considered that the other party has hidden its strength, and now this powerful bullet is the time to open up the firepower.

“Damn it!”

CP0’s big sword hao, his face is a little not good-looking, he can be a commander of CP0, in CP0, the status is not low, the strength is also ranked, and he was entangled by the captain of a white-bearded pirate group, which is simply a shame!

The flying slash in the hand is not considered a chop, both sides are looking for each other’s flaws as much as possible, but obviously, the level of seeing and hearing on both sides is not low, and if you want to break the move, it is not at all possible to do it for a while!

However, he is not in a hurry, after all, it is not only him and Yizang’s battlefield that is fighting on the field, Ezo’s crew and his subordinates are also fighting, and on that side, it is CP0 that has the advantage!

Yizang obviously also saw this, although several of his subordinates also initially developed the power of vibration, and during this time, with the assistance of the life force field, the strength has also been greatly strengthened, but after all, the time is still short, and without the help of the [Domineering Quick Method], the level of two-color domineering is relatively low.

Compared with the elite of the world government CP0, the strength is still weaker, after all, everyone over there is a capable!

They are not people who are favored by the world like Wang Luffy, how can they turn defeat into victory, they who fall into the downwind, and several people are injured, and it is only a matter of time before they lose!

Izuku was clearly aware of this, and his expression became a little ugly.

On the contrary, CP0 Great Jianhao is completely relaxed, he is not in a hurry, as long as it drags on, it will definitely be them who win!

Yizang also knows in his heart that the more he drags on, the more unfavorable it is to his side, especially although his domineering level is high, and the power of vibration has also developed moves, but his physique, relatively speaking, is still not strong enough, and the ability to continue to fight is definitely not comparable to the ability of the animal fruit on the other side!

He can’t keep dragging!

“Originally, I didn’t want to waste this thing on you, but since you are looking for death yourself, you can’t blame me!”

Listening to the words in Yizang’s mouth, CP0 Great Jianhao only felt that the other party seemed to be delirious .

He couldn’t help but laugh.

And Ezang didn’t care about that.

“Let you taste the masterpiece of Levi, the deputy captain of our Whitebeard Pirates!”

Hearing this, cp0’s expression froze!

Li Wei, the deputy captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, has always been a mysterious guy, and there has never been news of it, and only when he suddenly became the deputy captain of the Whitebeard Pirates was known by the sea.

Could it be that this guy is also here?

CP0 Great Jianhao’s face was solemn, and he was domineering, carefully observing and listening, ready to resist any possible attack!

The gun in Yizo’s left hand was inserted back into his waist, but he took out a leather talisman basket, and after destroying the fastening around the red dot in the lower right corner with his domineering sakura, the [Blood Qi Talisman Vibration Wave] was instantly activated!

The talisman was directly shattered, accompanied by a colorless and transparent vibration wave, crushing towards the CP0 Great Sword Hao!

CP0 Great Jianhao’s face was piled with horror, he felt it, this blow could not be dodged at all!

He swung his sword to cut it off, but the speed of the shockwave was too fast, and he was simply too late!


With the shock wave erupting on CP0, this CP0 big sword hao, the whole body seemed to be distorted, crushed to the ground, and the whole person turned into a bunch of strange twisted objects!

The powerful shock wave directly crushed all the objects in the vicinity and turned them into a powder.

Within a spherical range, it is all powder.

The range is smaller than that of Whitebeard, and the form is completely different, but this is the effect of the magical power vibration wave developed by Levi from the Shock Fruit!

This CP0 big sword hao, there is no doubt, was directly killed by one blow!

Of course, the power contained in the talisman is not as good as that of Whitebeard, but he is not a red dog!

Without the perverted body of the red dog, being hit by such a shock wave, the inside of the body was all shattered!

The scene instantly fell silent, accompanied by the sound of the Yizo crew and the CP0 members swallowing saliva with difficulty.

“This……. What exactly is it? Captain…… The captain was directly killed in seconds? ”

CP0 are a little unbelievable, the strength of their captain, placed in the navy, that is also the strong among the vice admirals in the department, compared to the alternate general, it is only one step behind!

That’s it, gone?

Looking at the range swept by the shock wave, as a gust of wind blew through, the broken powder fluttered with the wind, and CP0 collapsed instantly, this kind of power is not at all something they can block!

Even the crew members of Izang spoke with difficulty

“Captain, this… What exactly is this power? What exactly have you mastered? ”

“This is the power of the deputy captain, just keep your mouths shut, don’t ask so much.”

To be honest, even Yi Zang himself was frightened, although he knew that this talisman had the attack power of Li Wei’s surviving general, but where did he think that it was so terrifying?

Before it was useless, he thought that the attack of the general level, he had not seen it, it would be good to be able to beat the commander of CP0 into a serious injury, and let him finish and solve it.

But he didn’t know that Li Wei’s so-called general-level strength was something that only a general could resist!

Under the general, there is no perverted physique, that is a second kill!

And ordinary generals attack, not a thing!

Izang glanced around, and there was no one else except cp0.

He said in a deep voice: “Hurry up and dispose of all these CP0s without leaving a trace!” ”


CP0 was frightened by the power of Levi’s shock wave and collapsed, and the fighting spirit was greatly reduced, even if there were a few die-hard elements, they were also shot by hiding their hands, and Bang Bang shot two times, and cooperated with the crew to solve it, all CP0, none remained.

The follow-up treatment is also very clean, all the corpses, especially the big sword hao of CP0, are all brought with them, and when the time comes, they will be directly thrown into the sea to feed the fish, and even the bones will not be left.

As for the herbs, Yizang still bought them as usual, and according to the brightness of the talismans, it seemed that they were still the kind that Levi needed more, and this island had to be written down.

Unfortunately, CP0 will definitely pay attention to this island, so it is impossible to come over from time to time to buy herbs to hide all the medicinal materials he needs on the island.

Then he led the crew and left here and rushed to the logistics base.

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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