Scuyard’s words continued.

“Since then, I have been betrayed by you! For you, such a special Ace was caught, there are your white-bearded pirate group in the bay, there are us who wielded the pirate group outside, you sold the heads of our forty-three pirate captains in exchange for Ace’s life, the pirate group under his command will be completely destroyed, the white-bearded pirate group and Ace will be saved, you have colluded with the Warring States, right?! ”

“We came here desperately for Ace and for Whitebeard, take a good look, isn’t the target of the Navy now exactly us people?”

The pacifist cooperates with the conspiracy of the red dog, making this scene more convincing~ power!

The pirate group under his command is indeed the main target, which is the temporary plan of the red dog!

For the sake of rebellion!

“There is an attack from a monster that shoots lasers behind, and it is blocked by a huge ice wall next to it, and we have nowhere to escape!”

The pirates, who were fighting fiercely, couldn’t help shouting:

“Daddy, is what he said true?”

Skuyard said quietly:

“Being able to stab you with a blow is already the limit, I’m ready to enlighten, kill me, Whitebeard!”

Under the terrorist attack of pacifists, the situation of the pirate group under his command became more and more bad.

“Is it true to trade our lives for Ace? You talk, Daddy! ”

“I don’t want to believe that Daddy will betray us, but it’s true!”

The angry Marko couldn’t stand it and grabbed Skuyard and said:

“You bastard! Don’t you even believe Daddy? ”

“Marko, are you even playing the fool? As the captain of a team, how could you not know such a thing as making a deal with the Navy! ”

After being attacked, Whitebeard sat cross-legged on the ground, and the supreme fast knife was placed beside him, emitting a seemingly faint green light.

But no one noticed that the wound of the white beard, under the healing of that green light, was recovering rapidly!

That was a masterpiece of Levi’s refining method and blood qi rune, which could restore the old dark wound to Whitebeard, and treat a knife wound, it was simply a breeze!

During this time of Skuyard’s nonsense, the wounds of Whitebeard have been restored!

It’s just that the blood stains outside haven’t disappeared, so no one has noticed this!

Whitebeard couldn’t help but be shocked in his heart, he had originally thought that this knife might have an extremely terrifying effect in battle, but when he really used it, he knew how good the effect was and how against the sky!

Whitebeard couldn’t help but secretly said in his heart:

“Little Livi, even if he is not on the battlefield, he still protects his father!”

Looking at the stupid Skuyard in front of him, Whitebeard is a little helpless, these stupid sons, why are they so stupid?

But if there is half of Little Levi’s cleverness, he is really satisfied!

He said slowly: “Ace is indeed Roger’s son, but they manipulated the man who is most easily swayed because of this matter, and their tactics are indeed better!” ”

Looking at the wise general Sengoku in the distance, is this your hand than Sengoku?

Shake the heart of the entire pirate group!

At this time, the Warring States was ready to order the green pheasant to cut off the live phone worm on Bucky’s side!

“Activate the encirclement wall!”

With the issuance of the Warring States order, the encirclement wall is activated, the live broadcast is interrupted, and the Warring States are bound to leave all the pirates!

Klockdar couldn’t help but roar:

“Whitebeard, you were so easily stabbed? Are you such a weak man? I don’t want to lose to such a cowardly you! ”

Whitebeard did not have any fluctuations in his heart, and he waved his slap towards Skuyard, saying:

“You know what you’ve done, right? Skuyard, actually fought against his father! What a stupid child! ”

Looking at Whitebeard’s slap, Skuyard closed his eyes in fear, however, what everyone didn’t expect was that Whitebeard actually hugged Skuyard!

Skuyard looked up at Whitebeard, and Whitebeard said slowly:

“Even if you are a silly son, Daddy still loves you.”

Skuyard still couldn’t believe it: “You want to take our lives…”

“Who is the one who leads your faithful heart into darkness?”

“…… As long as you assassinate Whitebeard, the waving Haizawa can be rescued, does Akainu say so? ”

“I have a deep feeling that how much you hate Roger, but Scuyard, what a ridiculous idea of a father and son paying a debt! What did Ace do to you?! He treats you like a brother! You share happiness and hardship and face difficulties together, it doesn’t matter who Ace’s child is, right? ”

“Whether it’s you, or Ace, all of you are my sons, not only Ace is special! All of you are my family! ”

Whitebeard’s fraternity made Scuyard wake up, and he finally understood what he had done!

The defenseless dad was stabbed through by his sword!

What kind of impact will this serious injury have in battle?

Even, it may kill Daddy!

Whitebeard stood up, walked to the front, and said in a deep voice:

“Warring States, it’s really a sword that is not old, and you have played it around.” Say I’m going to sell my sons’ heads? [ Read more novels for free on our website: ] )

Whitebeard cut Cong Yun to the side, and then clenched his hands into fists!


The earthquake fruit ability was activated, and the terrifying vibration instantly cracked the air, and the huge ice wall that was originally like a high mountain, blocking the pirate’s retreat, was instantly shattered!

Warring States said solemnly: “Did you open a way back for the pirates?” What a difficult man to deal with! ”

The pirates under their command also understood that they could escape at any time at this time.

At this moment, Skuyard, who thoroughly understood what was happening, went crazy in an instant, he actually believed that his father had betrayed them and made such a big mistake!

That despair and remorse tormented him madly!

Looking at Skuyard, who was madly apologetic with remorse, Whitebeard wiped the blood from his chest and to:

“Don’t worry, stupid son, even if the navy conspiracy skills are superior, they can’t imagine that our deputy captain Levi is still guarding me!” The injuries you caused have already recovered! ”

Looking at the white-bearded chest intact, Skuyard’s eyes were full of shock!

He also knew that Daddy’s dark wound was healed by the deputy captain, but no one was there, could he also take Daddy’s new injury?

What a terrifying talent this is?

Skuyard is full of gratitude to Levi at this moment!

This is equivalent to pulling him out of the hell of remorse!

He burst into tears and yelled, “Thanks! Deputy Captain Levi! I, Skuyard, will always follow you, follow Whitebeard Daddy! ”

The captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group all showed such expressions. The reason why they were scared and stupid just now was that they could not imagine that Skuyard would assassinate his father, but they were not worried about his father’s injury.

Saatchi’s mortal injuries can be saved, and they all have an exclusive healing card in their hands, can there be no back hand on Daddy?

Marko smiled and said:

“It’s really reassuring to have Levi here.”

Joz couldn’t help but say: “Sure enough, although Levi is everywhere, his protection of his father is always there!” ”

The captains’ gratitude to Levi is beyond words!

Even if it is family, gratitude should still have!

On the side of the Navy, the expression is not so good.

Warring States’ face was a little ugly, hiding the shock in his eyes, Lieutenant General Tsuru couldn’t help but say:

“The stronger the body, the more difficult it is to heal, and Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, it should be difficult to treat the kind of injury that pierced the chest just now, right? The result was so short that it was cured? And still in the absence of people, what a terrifying ability is this? Can such a whitebeard still be defeated? ”

Lieutenant General Tsuru used his washing fruit to completely wash away the emotions such as shock and surprise in his heart, before returning to calmness, which is too difficult to accept!

Not only did he completely heal Whitebeard’s injuries, but he also healed Whitebeard’s penetrating injuries in a short time on the battlefield, which was done without the presence of people?

Such a monster!

How can you appear in the Whitebeard Pirates?

The red dog’s eyes are full of killing intent, this killing intent is for Li Wei, the counter-tactics he personally launched, the final result is failure, even the part that has been successful, the stab through the white beard, is directly canceled, hateful! He had a hard time accepting it!

“Levi, the old man remembered, the deputy captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, it is best not to fall into the hands of the old man! The old man will not give you the opportunity to be locked up in the city, and the direct execution is your only end! ”

The red dog was furious, and secretly determined in his heart!

The yellow ape’s tone was much more serious, and he said with an unconcealed surprise:

“This time it’s really scary! That kind of injury actually disappeared directly, is that Levi really a monster? How exactly is this done? Could it be that some terrible drug has been developed? But this drug has never been seen in Vegapunk! ”

Although he is so terrifying in one bite, everyone says that it is a monster, but this time this sentence is indeed the truth!

As can be seen from the pacifist attack method, the yellow ape is close to the navy’s scientific troops, and he also often contacts the Vegapunk to cooperate with the study of pacifists.

Therefore, in terms of science and technology, it is considered a relatively familiar person, and Vegapunk is also considered a half-acquaintance.

However, the medicine that can directly restore such a big injury as the top combat power is a bit beyond his imagination!

In fact, Whitebeard was able to completely recover from his injuries in such a short period of time, which was another function of Cong Yunche that Li Wei had transformed him, and when he was not in use, he would slowly store high-quality vitality and release it at a critical moment, and just now Whitebeard consumed all the vitality accumulated during this time.

That is to say, the follow-up can not be launched in the launch of such a high-intensity treatment.

But there are still exclusive healing cards on the body, which is the guarantee that Levi gave to Whitebeard and others!

And at this moment, Whitebeard is finally ready to officially join the battlefield begging!.

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