Marko’s face was full of seriousness, the Moby Dick was temporarily saved, but a bigger crisis is still ahead!

This kind of large-scale attack, even if he launched the Immortal Bird’s Qingyan with all his strength, he could only block one or two magma fists!

And right now, there are at least dozens of magma fists falling from the sky!

Shroud the entire range of the Moby Dick in it!

“Levi needs to come on! It’s up to you! ”

Although Marko doesn’t know if Levi can do it, he can only cheer Levi on, and then wait for a miracle!

Joz looked at the falling magma fists in the air and clenched his fists.

This level of attack, obviously known for defense like him, but there is no way at all, can only watch weakly!

He said silently in his heart: “Li Wei, I can only rely on you, the old brothers are really useless, there is no way to protect their home, and they can only rely on a nine-year-old brother.” ”

At this time, the captains of the white-bearded pirate group are not very good, after all, they used to be under the protection of their father, and finally because of Levi’s help, they were a little out of breath, but they didn’t expect that in the blink of an eye, they encountered this kind of situation that could only rely on Levi, which made them blush and hold their breath!

Under everyone’s gaze, Li Wei did not look worried in the face of the meteor fire shower falling from the sky of “320”.

He held the long sword that transformed into a weapon with blood qi in his hand, and a flash of light flashed in his mind!

[According to the analysis of your ability to resist the wind, combined with your own understanding of the wind, plus the memory inspiration about the wind sword art in your own mind, and with your own great sword hao’s kendo, you have an epiphany, you comprehend the wind sword art]

On the battlefield, Li Wei temporarily comprehended a set of Swift Wind Sword Techniques!

In the face of such a scene, it is most appropriate!

“Wind Sword Art Wind Barrier!”

As Levi whispered silently, the long sword in his hand swung violently!

A fierce wind rose up, turning into a terrifying wind wall, an arc-shaped wind wall, an arc-shaped wind wall, blocking the way in front of the meteor volcano!

The violent wind, at this moment, seems to have a law, the air flow is domesticated into obedient elves, all blowing in one direction, such a wind, as if it really has some kind of blocking power.

The range of the terrifying wind wall is not at all comparable to the small wind wall in the game, after all, the game is about balance, and reality does not need it!

The huge semi-arc wind wall appeared with Levi’s slash, which surprised everyone’s eyes!

Is this a sword technique, or the ability of the Devil Fruit?

Or is it a combination of the two?

The interest in Hawkeye’s eyes is getting heavier, and he now wants to try Levi’s swordsmanship even more, it’s so special!

“You can actually fuse the power of swordsmanship and wind so perfectly? No wonder he ate the Devil Fruit, but did not interrupt his path, it turned out to be so! ”

“Sword art is actually such an inconvenient thing, is this your understanding? Levi? ”

Hawkeye’s eyes were full of appreciation for another swordsman, a concept he might not agree with, but he appreciated!

Everyone’s Dao is different, and what he walks is the ultimate and pure sword art!

Others may not be able to see it, but as the world’s number one sword hao, Hawkeye can clearly feel that that the wind wall, definitely not just the power of the wind, contains the sword intent of the great sword hao, the slash is integrated into the wind, the continuous wind wall, like countless dense slashes, because it is too scattered, may not say anything offensive, but with the wind, but there is an unexpected defensive effect!

However, not all of them are hawkeyed!

In the eyes of others, Levi just activated his fruit ability once again, manipulated the wind, and formed a wind wall!

As for the action of swinging the sword, it is not uncommon to release the fruit ability through the sword, and it is not uncommon for Whitebeard’s shock fruit ability to be released with the cloud cut in his hand.

In front of the screen of the live broadcast.

“Li Wei made a move, and it was indeed the power of the wind, but such a wind wall, the range is indeed large enough, but can it block the meteor volcano of General Chiinu? Impossible, right? ”

“That’s an attack that the Red Dog General needs to unleash continuously, how can it be so easily blocked? Is Levi stronger than the general? This is unrealistic, the general is the strongest combat force of the navy headquarters! ”

“Yes, using the wind to blow out the fire, I can accept it for the time being, but the strong composition of the wind, want to block the meteor volcano, a bit whimsical, right? How strong can a wall composed of wind be? How is it possible to block a meteor volcano? ”

“If it is the ice wall condensed by General Kuzan, it may be blocked, but the invisible wind wall is impossible to block the tangible magma fire rain!”

Obviously, basically the people watching the live broadcast did not believe that the wind wall cast by Levi could block the meteor volcano of the red dog.

The stands are supreme, and the Sengoku has some doubts on his face:

“Or the power of the wind? And this intensity is much stronger than the fierce wind just now, this… Could it be that his phantom beast species is mainly based on manipulating the wind? But what about healing power? ”

Warring States found that his head seemed to be a little inadequate, as the brain of the Navy, the wise general Sengoku has always been a brain player, but Levi this guy made his brain turn and smoke, or a stomach of doubts.

Lieutenant General Tsuru, too, muttered:

“The phantom beast species that is mainly based on the wind and has the ability to heal does not have such a existence on the Devil Fruit’s guide, is it really a Devil Fruit that has never appeared?”

“If that’s the case, then maybe we should confirm Levi’s information well, and see if when he dies, pay attention to the rebirth of this fruit.”

Above the stands, next to the Warring States, Ace looked at the huge wind wall that could bring the entire Moby Dick into the protection range with some expectation, and couldn’t help but pray silently, he hoped that Levi’s ability could block the meteor volcano of the red dog!

If this wave can be blocked, it basically means that the red dog has no way to threaten the Moby Dick again! [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

That way, the Moby Dick would be safe!

Below the execution table, a sneer appeared on Chi Inu’s face.

“A lower fruit, also want to block the old man’s meteor volcano? Dream! ”

Looking at the big wind wall, Chi Inu was unimpressed, after all, his meteor volcano can be frozen now, how can it be the wind now?

Even if the revolutionary Dragon personally made a move and wanted to block all his meteor volcanoes, it would be impossible!

After all, the power of the wind is not good at defense, and the invisible wind comes to block the tangible magma? This imp is really naïve!

He could already imagine that the fist turned into magma easily broke the wind wall, as if the end of the world had come, burning the evil pirate group into ashes!

Bury the entire group of whitebeard pirates in the headquarters of the Navy!

Take this opportunity to interrupt the thriving trend of pirates!

For this reason, the red dog will definitely not allow any accidents to appear, and once it appears, then use his magma and devour it!

However, in the sneering gaze of the red dog, in the gaze that most people did not believe, and in the expectant gaze of the white-bearded pirates, the fist turned into magma and the barrier turned into a hurricane collided together!

The next moment, the picture in front of him shocked everyone!

I saw that the magma fist that fell in the front collided with the wind barrier, and as a result, at that moment, the kinetic energy attached to the magma, as if it was directly canceled, stopped instantly, and then fell directly from the air, smashed on the ice surface, and melted a small piece of ice!

And that’s just the beginning!

“Can this really be blocked? Impossible, the old man’s meteor volcano, it is absolutely impossible to be blocked by such a wind! ”

When the red dog felt that the first magma fist was blocked, it was just an accident, and the next dense magma fist that went forward and smashed down one after another was all the same result, the red dog was stunned…….

I saw that when no magma fist fell, it hit the wind barrier, and the kinetic energy seemed to disappear, and then it could only fall along the wind wall.

Every one of them is like this, with no exception to Magma Fist, all are blocked from the wind wall!

The magma falling along the wind wall melted the ice surface outside the wind wall into a large ice cave, and the sea water came out – but what is the use of this?

The attack of the red dog was finally defused!

The Moby Dick is perfectly protected after all!

The red dog’s face was livid, and he simply couldn’t accept his meteor volcano!

This is the most practical large-scale attack method he has developed!

In the past, when the meteor volcano was used, all pirates, whether they were the so-called Four Emperors or not, could only hold their heads and run around!

This time, the meteor volcano concentrated on attacking a ship fixed on the ice, and it was actually defused?

And it was dissolved in such a relaxed way?

He can’t accept it!

Why 2.0?

A guy who looks very young, can block the meteor volcano that the old man has cultivated for many years and worked hard to develop?

“This guy, damn it! Damn it! ”

Chi Inu’s eyes were full of anger, and he felt insulted by the moment!

As the strongest combat force of the naval headquarters, he launched a big move, but he was actually blocked by a deputy captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment!

The image of the headquarters of the Navy will be damaged!

In fact, it is!

As the strongest combat force of the navy headquarters, the red dog represents the image and face of the navy!

His meteor volcano, blocked so easily and perfectly, will make people doubt the deterrent power of the navy!

People watching the live broadcast at this time, that’s it.

One by one, they were slapped in the face by Levi’s performance:

“Oh my God! Did he really do it? How is it impossible? Damn, isn’t the red dog the strongest combat force in the headquarters of the Navy, one of the three major generals? Why was he blocked so easily by Levi? Is he the strongest combat power of that disciple? ”

“Exactly! The three admirals of the Navy, such a big name, the result was easily blocked by others, can we still count on the protection of the Navy? Do we rely on guys like Red Inu to protect us? “。

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