Hawkeye and the redhead are also friends, but since the big fool with the redhead gambled his arm, he has not fought with the redhead, after all, the power of the big sword hao, in a high-intensity battle, it is difficult to contain the hand, the redhead is missing a hand, there must be an impact, in that kind of battle, a little impact, will be very serious!

Therefore, he actually hasn’t had a close battle for a long time!

Therefore, he was actually a little unhappy with the redhead losing his arm, and no one cut him off.

This is why this time he will accept the mandatory call of the Navy.

It is to try the color of Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, and find some exciting battles, instead of cutting a bunch of weak pirates like garbage every day.

But now, it seems that there is a better option.

A magical swordsman who is equal to the redhead?

Instead of challenging the strongest man in the world, he wants to fight this swordsman!

After all, Whitebeard is not a swordsman!

Seeing the unprecedented Great Sword Hao made him even more excited!

If the strength is strong enough, it will be great!

The fighting intent in Hawkeye’s eyes flashed, and then he recovered his composure, he was ready to watch the play, and he also had to take a good look at Levi’s next performance, which would make him look forward to the battle later!

Watching the battle intent in Hawkeye’s eyes flash, Levi also knew that Hawkeye made a choice, at least he didn’t have to worry about the combat power of the world’s number one sword master on the navy side.

The communication between Hawkeye and Li Wei, only the two of them know, the navy side is not clear at all, the Qiwu Sea they called, there is another plan to work and not contribute.

Originally, the seven seven martial seas, the sand crocodile was locked up in the advance city, and now he is following the straw hat boy Luffy to participate in the battlefield, which is still the opposite of the navy.

The strait was very flat, and it also came to the scene from the propulsion city, which was on the side of the hardcore Whitebeard.

The remaining five seem to be naval positions, but the female emperor Boyahan Cook is standing Luffy, so it is absolutely paddling, and the two do not help.

Then there is Don Quixo De Doflamingo, which is determined to fight soy sauce and not to match Levi.

The next one is the world’s number one swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk, and Levi reached a consensus to paddle.

That is to say, Qibu Hai can really be on the side of the navy, there are only two, one is a big bear that has been transformed to no consciousness, and the other is the shame of Qibu Hai, moonlight Moria, which is basically a waste.

The Qiwu Sea that came from the navy can basically be said that there is no need to count on it.

In other words, the big bear may play a little role.

Without consciousness, how much role he can play, there are two words.

Therefore, what the Navy can rely on, in the final analysis, is the power of the Navy itself!

Levi has lifted the crisis of the Moby Dick, but a large number of places on the ice have been melted, but fortunately, because this time the red dog concentrated most of the firepower on the Moby Dick, and was finally defused by Levi’s ice wall.

Although there are many melted places on the ice surface, and the rest that have not melted are also potholes, there is a way to the gap on the side of Little Oz!

“Goo la ~ little ones, rush with me.!”

Whitebeard took the lead, took all the pirates, through the gap, rushed to the square in the bay, where the navy is located!

Almost 100,000 navies, most of them concentrated here!

Li Wei also rushed over with the large army, and beside him, there were more than ten captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, all of whom were good hands.

On the opposite side, the admiral is on the stage in front, while in front is the vice admiral of the navy headquarters.

The strength is no less than the level of the imperial deputy level, although there is no top imperial deputy like the general candidate, but the strength should not be underestimated!

Whitebeard looked ahead, the location of the execution table, and silently said in his heart: “Ace, daddy is here!” ”

The Cong Yun Cut in his hand was raised violently, and the power of the Shock Fruit condensed on the Cong Yun Cut, and then slashed out violently!


The terrifying colorless crack spread instantly, and the air was directly cracked by Whitebeard’s shock fruit ability, and the terrifying shock wave spread towards the crowd of the navy!

This kind of airquake’s large-scale attack may not be particularly strong, but the range is particularly large!

The terrifying shock wave, like in the eyes of ordinary sailors, is an unstoppable terrifying impact, and all the sailors who blocked in front of the shock wave were all shocked out!

Only vice admirals are able to protect themselves in such a shock wave!

Only when this shock wave is felt head-on, the soldiers of the Navy know that the so-called strongest man in the world is absolutely not wrong!

Such a large attack range can also guarantee such an incomparable attack!

When the shock wave came, they only felt their own strength, armed color domineering, and seeing and smelling, all of which were useless!

How about feeling the shock wave coming?

Even if they use their heads to predict what they will see and hear in the future, like Ka Er, it is useless!

A huge range of shock waves, there is no possibility of blocking it at all!

Even those lieutenant generals who could block it did their best to maintain their figures, and they had no ability to shelter their subordinates under this shock wave!

You know, this is not a direct effect of the ability of the Shock Fruit!

This is the shock wave caused by the shock fruit that cracks the air!

If it was the direct power of the Shock Fruit, it would not be a shock wave, it would be a shock wave, it would have smashed a person into pieces!

This is the whitebeard at his peak!

The power of the shock fruit is cast at will, don’t worry about your physical state, will you suddenly be unable to fight halfway, this feeling, if described in one word, is happy!

And this was all brought to him by Levi!

Therefore, every time he thinks of this, he can’t help but be proud, fortunately, when the redhead said that he wanted to adopt, he didn’t agree, otherwise, Li Weike would have reached the redhead’s hands, goo la ~

Whitebeard smiled secretly in his heart.

As one of the three major generals, the green pheasant, looking at the shocking fruit of the white beard, raging in the navy, he can’t sit idly by!

The green pheasant bounced up and activated the ability of the frozen fruit in mid-air! [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

Ice hockey!

The power of ice and snow gushed out instantly, wrapping the white beard in an instant!

In the next second, the white-bearded figure turned into an ice sculpture covered in ice!

However, after only a second, the ice that froze Whitebeard began to crack, and finally exploded!


Then, the green pheasant’s eyes moved, and his body flashed forward instantly, and the white beard reacted quickly, and Cong Yunche directly chopped up!

The body of the green pheasant was directly pierced!

However, this is just the appearance!

The green pheasant was elementalized in advance long before it approached, and Cong Yun cut actually did not cut anything!

On the contrary, the green pheasant, taking advantage of this opportunity to get closer, grabbed Cong Yun Che, and the terrifying freezing power began to spread along Cong Yun Che towards the direction of the white beard!

At this time, the diamond Joz behind the white beard suddenly stood up, and most of his whole body turned into diamonds, covering it with armed color domineering, and directly knocked the green pheasant down!

He said in a deep voice: “Dad, you keep going!” I won’t let this guy stop you! ”

Whitebeard nodded, he believed in his son.

So, Whitebeard led the team to move on, and Joz stayed to watch the pheasant!

Levi knows that the green pheasant guy is not something that Joz can block, of course, today’s Joz is indeed not the strength of the original Jozi.

Procrastination should be no problem.

So when Levi passed by, he also gave a sentence by the way:

“‘Brother Jozi, you just hold on, use what you give you as you should, save your life is the most important, and leave the rest to us!’

Joz nodded.

He has the blood qi talisman provided by Levi in his hand, and at a critical moment, he can save his life!

Besides, the two-color domineering became very strong, and he who comprehended part of the power of vibration, dragged the green pheasant, maybe he could really do it!

In terms of defense, he is already the strongest of the Whitebeard Pirates besides Daddy and Levi!

In a short time, it is comparable to the defense of the general emperor!

This is also the reason why he dares to say that he will not let the green pheasant affect his father!

Levi is not very worried, after all, the life-saving means he gave, coupled with Jozi’s own strength, it is still possible to save his life under the hands of the green pheasant.

As everyone moved forward, Levi also met the child of destiny, Straw Hat, Wang Luffy.

Looking at the guy in front of him who was no longer in shape, even Levi had to sigh, this kid really fought to save Ace!

The muscles of the whole body seem to be consumed and shrunk, and one eye is almost unable to open, you know, when advancing into the city, Luffy has been overdrawn by Ivankov with hyperactive hormones, and if there is no intention (Qian Zhao), there will be another injection next.

Whitebeard was holding Luffy’s feet in his hands at this time, glanced at them, and then threw them to the crowd, saying:

“This kid needs treatment.”

“Let go of me, I have to go to Ace!”

Wang Luffei struggled, broke away from the crew of the surrounding white-bearded pirate group, and still rushed forward without giving up, but fell to the ground before taking a few steps.

Whitebeard couldn’t help but say:

“It’s just prestigious, the milk smells undry, it’s not like words.”

Even the people surrounded Luffy who fell to the ground, their eyes full of anxiety.

Levi’s face flashed a hint of helplessness, Luffy, this kid, can become the child of destiny, indeed has his personality charm, at least, for the sake of his companions and friends, he will not hesitate to do it.

“This body, don’t continue to stimulate it with hyperactive hormones, give him treatment, after all, if you really want to save Ace, you really have to rely on this kid, and others are not good.”

You know, what is now in front of Ace is Karp.

Others go to the rescue, Karp punches you dumbfounded, and only Luffy goes up, can not be blocked by Karp.

At this time, on the other side, Whitebeard walked in front of the battlefield, the Cong Yun Che in his hand was raised high, and the power of the Shock Fruit condensed on it, and then, he slashed down fiercely!

“Guy who is not afraid of death, just get in front of me!”

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