A terrifying Buddha appeared next to him, but it seemed that he couldn’t feel it at all, and took out the key and was ready to open Ace’s shackles.

In the distance, the yellow ape saw the key Luffy took out, and a strange look appeared on his face.

“I didn’t expect you to even have this thing, Straw Hat Kid.”

So with a little hand, a laser shot out, and the key was about to be shattered!

At this time, in the other direction, a blue light flew out, collided with the laser of the yellow ape, and exploded instantly!

The yellow ape turned his head sharply, and when he saw Li Wei who was smiling at him, he only felt that the green light on his head was even stronger.

I saw Li Wei speak, there was no sound, but the lip shape is clear, your ability is really useful, Yellow Ape General.

For a while, the yellow ape almost didn’t hold back.

On the execution table, Luffy didn’t know that he had just gone through a tribulation, and the key in his hand was stuffed into the shackles and opened the shackles.

But the golden Buddha statue Warring States, at this time, has raised its fist, like a big fist like an excavator bucket, about to fall!

After Luffy opened the shackles, he immediately bit his finger and began to blow, and in an instant the whole person turned into a huge balloon!


The huge fist smashed on Luffy’s balloon, smashing the entire execution table directly!

The navy below also reacted, aiming all kinds of cannons, hand cannons, and shoulder resistance guns at Luffy, and a naval colonel said in a deep voice:

“Give me a blast along with Straw Hat Luffy and the execution table!”



The shell was fired, and the black shell flew out instantly, blowing up the entire execution table fragments into a spark, full of smoke!

However, in the next second, in the smoke of the explosion, a flame channel appeared, and a wave of fire drilled out of it, condensing into a familiar figure, who is not Ace?

Behind Ace, it’s really Luffy!

In the distance, Marko, who was watching this scene, showed such an expression, he knew that the Warring States would not be too embarrassed, these two people, after all, are Karp’s grandsons.

Those guys in the navy carrying cannons also plan to blast Ace and Luffy again, but the sea tower stone shackles on Ace’s body at this time have been thrown off, and he has become the familiar fire fist Ace!

“Flame Pillar.!”

A pillar of fire fell from the sky and rushed straight at the navy that blocked him!

The wave of fire broke out instantly, rushing towards the navy blocking the way, these are just mariners below the rank of general, how can they block Ace’s pillar of fire?

It was directly bombarded!

It’s not that the navy doesn’t want to dispatch stronger combat power, but the navy’s current powerful combat power is all dragged down by pirates, which is just a Kapu and a warring states, but these two obviously will not strike at this time.

Therefore, those who can come out to block it are some shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

So, while leisurely entangled with the navy, the pirates watched Luffy and the two brothers Ace cooperate and fight the navy.

Have to be less, these two deserve to grow up together since childhood, indeed very tacit understanding, the cooperation between the two can be described as seamless!

Soon, from that pile of navies, a passage was killed!

The pheasant directly forcibly left the battlefield, trying to stop Ace and Luffy from escaping.

Ice cubes “pheasant beak”!

A cold condensed ice bird burst out instantly, and everywhere it passed, it was all frozen!

Marko instantly appeared beside Ace, and the flames of the two shot out at the same time!


The orange-red flame and the cyan blue flame instantly combined, colliding with the ice bird of the pheasant, the air explosion roared, and the collision of ice and fire burst out a huge amount of water mist!

The fog was pervasive, directly blocking all the sight, and Ace, Marko, Luffy and others, taking advantage of this opportunity, quickly escaped!

They didn’t come here to fight the Navy!

Whitebeard and Levi glanced at each other, nodded tacitly, and then also left the battlefield and came to the front of the crowd.

“Little ones ~ all retreat!” [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

“Yes! Dad! ”

For a moment, the sea thieves fell into a sea of excitement!

They actually stormed the execution site of the naval headquarters and rescued Ace!

This is a feat that no other pirate has ever done!

This is the Whitebeard Pirates!

And through this battle, everyone on the sea knew how terrifying the Whitebeard Pirates really were!

Head-on and navy head-to-head!

Ace looked at the white beard waiting for him in front of him, tears in his eyes, sure enough, even if it is a son like him, the father will protect him without hesitation!

At this time, Whitebeard shouted loudly: “Little ones, all go!” Daddy comes after the break! ”

Obviously, as the parent of the Whitebeard Pirates, he has found an heir and kind of wants to retire here, anyway, even without him, Levi can protect everyone.

And at this time, the red dog led some navy and appeared at the front of the battlefield.

“‘The Whitebeard Pirates, what a bunch of cowards, actually saved people and ran?’

Akainu is a person who does not stop at all for the end, playing conspiracies or something, for him, it is really easy to use.

He is just to stimulate some Ace, stimulate some hot-blooded fools of the Whitebeard Pirates, and then bite hard!

Take a bite like a hyena!

This naval operation can be said to be a complete failure, but he absolutely cannot accept it!

Therefore, the red dog still has to sit on the last effort!

The figures of the other two generals also loomed behind them.

Akainu’s words irritated Ace, because it was an insult to Whitebeard, and he absolutely could not accept it!

Just as Ace was about to desperately defend Whitebeard’s dignity, suddenly, a figure appeared in front of him.

“Ace, let’s go, daddy’s dignity, you don’t need a (good) little vice captain to maintain it, don’t forget, your deputy captain is still there!”

Ace’s eyes were moist, nodded fiercely, and said to Luffy next to him: “Go!” ”

Here, Levi’s face was a little gloomy, this was the first time since today, he had always had a smile or a calm expression, but the red dog really disgusted him.

Walking slowly to Whitebeard, he said:

“Dad, stand down, it’s always you to protect your family, and today it’s my turn as a family member to protect you!”

“Goo la ~ smelly boy! The old man is not old enough to need your little guy to protect! Hurry up, after the daddy comes to break for you, you are guaranteed to not let go of any of them! ”

Li Wei’s face was a little helpless, and said:

“Dad, don’t grab the limelight with me, okay? This is a good stage like the world announcing my official appearance, are you going to steal the light of our young people when you are old? “。

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