Figalandu Glingu Ancient Saint is the supreme commander of the Knights of God, his strength is extremely strong, even no less than the peak Whitebeard, in the battle of the Valley of the Gods, he left a scar on Whitebeard’s chest that can never disappear.

However, it does not mean that he, as the supreme commander, is the highest combat power.

The Knights of God, but they have a super combat power that has broken through the ceiling of the level of the Sea Admiral Emperor, Jia Zang Tian!

The world’s highest combat power under Lord Im, the true hole card of the Knights of God!

The Knights of God is also the ultimate guarantee to ensure the rule of the Draco, as the commander of the Figarandu Grimmin Ancient Saint has always had the action of absorbing tool people into the Knights of God, but there has never been such a good material, it seems, it seems that it may be the next Jiazang Heaven?

“This guy must be taken, “June One Seven” must undergo the most severe brainwashing, and it must not damage its potential! If it works, it’s another good card! ”

Levi didn’t know at all that he had been listed as a good card of the Knights of God in advance, and at this time, he looked at the three generals on the field with an interested expression on his face.

It turned out that the yellow ape and the green pheasant silently retreated, obviously not intending to besiege him with the criminals of the Blackbeard Pirates, while the red dog stayed in place, it was obvious that he would not miss this opportunity.

“It’s a little interesting, these two navies are indeed more human, and the red dog is not a person.”

The red dog looked at the retreating yellow ape and green pheasant, and couldn’t help but say: “Pedantic! To deal with such pirates, do you still care about the means? Wouldn’t it be good to join forces directly to kill and then kill the Blackbeard Pirates? ”

Blackbeard Tichy didn’t care either, and said with a smile:

“Thief hahahahaha~ General Sakaski, I’m still on the scene, but you’re right, we can solve Levi first, and then come and arrest us, hahahahaha, how?” Two other generals? ”

The green pheasant said disdainfully: “Cooperation with a cruel criminal like you? Huh~”

The yellow ape looked absent-minded, as if he had not heard anything, so the situation changed to the Blackbeard Pirates and Red Dogs besieging Levi.

Levi’s face showed a trace of ruthlessness, none of the big gang of Blackbeard Pirates was a good thing, just right, he killed without any psychological burden.

Facing the group of pirates and a red dog that formed an arc-shaped encirclement in front of him, Levi did not have the slightest politeness and directly took action!

“Multicolored cannon!”

“Haha, I’ve been wary of your trick for a long time!”

This time, because Li Wei’s multicolored cannon had too many targets to attack, each of the thirteen guns attacked one target, and there was not enough idleness.


In the next instant, a terrifying explosion sounded, and the light cannon attack of the multicolored cannon hit everyone locked without hindrance, but these people seemed to have prepared in advance, using various means to reduce damage as much as possible, or defend, and live to resist injury.

And each one faces at most a light cannon, and the firepower is also limited, so Levi’s multicolored cannon, this time, did not achieve enough results!

“Now Levi is dangerous, those people in the Blackbeard Pirate Group, they all seem to be not simple, they are all extremely vicious and terrifying guys, plus there is a red dog to help, Levi wants to kill so many people, it’s a little difficult, but he himself is dangerous!”

“Advancing the vicious criminals in the city is really not easy! Blackbeard Pirate Group: Is this going to surpass all other pirate groups in terms of strength of the strong? ”

“The sea is becoming too fast, I don’t know if Levi can block it, these criminals are more fierce than one, damn it, hearing Blackbeard say that Levi is only nine years old, what a terrifying talent, I didn’t expect it to come here.”

“Yes, he stood at the apex of the sea at the age of nine, and his future can obviously create more sea legends, but now he must face the siege of the Blackbeard Pirates, if he can cross it, this is the beginning of a new legend!”

“I think if he really did this at the age of nine, then he would probably have overcome all kinds of problems that seemed absolutely impossible, isn’t that how all the picture books on the sea are written?”

For a while, many people have been discussing whether Levi is the protagonist in the picture book, but even if he is the protagonist in the picture book, he has not reached the top level of the sea at the age of nine, it can be said that the cartoonists who created the picture book are still too conservative, and the reality is more outrageous than what they draw…..

The most powerful attack of the freedom of attack is the multicolored cannon, full power output, but obviously, these guys are not fuel-saving lamps, and the attack of the multicolored cannon, even if it is damaged a little, is blocked.

He came again, just like that, this degree of injury, the Blackbeard Pirates’ side, is absolutely acceptable, they can’t always be passively beaten, their own attack interval, will be the opportunity for this gang to attack.

You know, there is also a red dog watching the tiger, although Li Wei is strong, it does not mean that he can ignore the attack of the emperor-level powerhouse!

Li Wei looked at the Blackbeard Pirate Group in front of him, and suddenly said:

“Vicious criminals of the Blackbeard Pirates, I now give you a chance to live, break Tichy’s hands and feet, and send it to me, I can leave you with your lives and hand it over to the navy.”

“Hahahahahaha~ Little ghost, his own attack didn’t work, and he started playing psychological warfare, right? Hahahahahaha, what you want to think about now is how to survive, right? Hurry up and beg for mercy, maybe Captain Tichy will give you a chance? ”

“Captain Tichy, but the one who wants to become One Piece, we will also be the ones who follow One Piece to become the greatest pirate group, you actually let us betray Captain Tichy? Amusing. ”

“Thief hahahahahaha~ Little Levi, I advise you to surrender directly, you can still suffer a little less 2.5 grind, besides, Saatchi or Ace, although I did it, but aren’t they dead yet?”

A smile appeared on Levi’s face, and he laughed angrily.

“I wanted to play slowly with you, but Tichy is so disgusting, you are too stupid, I don’t want to entangle with you anymore, it’s that you didn’t grasp the only chance to survive, then don’t blame me!”

These vicious prisoners brought by Blackbeard are indeed all good, at least they are all at the level of emperors and vices, but after all, none of them are at the level of generals.

It’s really easy for such a guy who is a level lower than him to want to be killed, but this exposes more things.

“By now, there have been a lot of exposures, not bad for this!”

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