Chapter 1155

"I, I didn't mean that, it's just that your words are more convincing, because you won't be on my side, so as long as you say it, she will definitely believe it."

After saying that, he grabbed a bun with both hands and handed it to her.

This action has been tangled in his mind many times, and he finally made it.

Qian Miao didn't answer for a long time.

At this time——

The buns were taken away.

Shi Chengan saw Feng Xian as soon as he looked up.

"Second Brother Xian, good morning."

"Morning." Feng Xian replied lightly, and put the bun on the other side.

"Chuchu is not here."

"I came here to find her." Shi Chengan felt like he was sitting on pins and needles.

He wasn't on good terms with them before, even Feng Can wasn't very close. Sitting down and talking like this all of a sudden, it feels like ten thousand ants are jumping around in my heart.

Feng Xian didn't say anything.

Qian Miao ate her breakfast slowly, and went out directly after eating.

Shi Chengan followed closely.

When Qiao Shiwan came out, she happened to bump into this weird scene, and wondered, "Why is this Chengan so sticky?"

She looked around and confirmed that she read it correctly: "Didn't the relationship between the two of them always be tense before? Because of the Miaomiao calligraphy."

Feng Xian ate something, said lightly: "It's really delicious."

Qian Miao went to the parking lot to pick up the car, but Shi Chengan blocked the door before she opened it.

"Just once."

Qian Miao looked at the time and said, "Get out of the way."

The slight aura made Shi Chengan's heart pound, and after thinking about it, he turned sideways to let her go up.

After a while, the car disappeared from view.

Shi Chengan put his hands on his waist, with a sad face.

He had already expected this result. After all, the relationship between the two of them had always been bad, and Tang Qianmiao had no reason to help him.

Even so, he still had a glimmer of hope, hoping that Tang Qianmiao would be a person who repays evil with kindness.

He was thinking too much.

Dejectedly, he walked to Xiyuan, but the guard who guarded the gate closed the gate as soon as he saw him.

"Sorry, Second Young Master Shi, this is what our young lady meant."

"I see."

Shi Chengan didn't make things difficult for him.

He knew very well that if the knot in Feng Chuchu's heart was not untied, even if he could get in, it would be useless to see her.

Now I can only send her a message to explain.

After clicking on WeChat, he soon discovered that he had been blocked.

So is the phone.

A burst of helpless annoyance hit him, and he squeezed the phone tightly.

Finally, he contacted Lin Wenyu.

【Shi: Wen Yu, explain to her for me, maybe she will listen to you. 】

Lin Wenyu replied in seconds.

[Lin: I'm sorry Chengan, I tried my best, but, look——]

She sent a few screenshots of her conversation with Feng Chuchu. Inside, she almost earnestly persuaded Feng Chuchu to believe him, but Feng Chuchu not only refused to listen, but kept scolding him, repeating that the two of them could not go back to the past.

[Lin: Chu Chu may be too simple, sometimes seeing may not be believing, at least I think so. My boyfriend also often hangs out with girls, I think that's normal, maybe it's because Chu Chu has a strong desire to possess you. 】

The word "possessive" made Shi Chengan feel joyful and breathless.

【Lin: Don't worry, I'll tell her well. When she gets over her anger for a while, she'll be fine. But I advise you, don't come to her so frequently, lest you get bored, women don't like men who come to her door very much, on the contrary, distance can produce beauty. 】

【Shi: I'll think about it again, thanks. 】

[Lin: I will visit her often. If you want to know the situation, we can make an appointment to chat. I am free anytime. 】

[Shi: OK, there is no class in the morning, if you have time, go to the old place. 】

【Lin: Okay (cute)】

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