Chapter 1159

She parked the car and followed him inside.

Lin Zifan took her to a reception room and asked her to wait for a while.

Unfortunately, I happened to meet the directors of several laboratories in the Institute chatting together, and two of them were notoriously staid and strict.

It's all here, he just bite the bullet and knock on the door to enter.

"Professor Shen."

As a highly experienced professor, Shen Zhifeng is the director of the robot research and development project laboratory.

"Zi Fan is here." He showed admiring eyes.

The other uncles also showed loving eyes, probably a kind of gentle eyes appreciating talents.

"Professor, here she is."

Professor Shen smiled slightly, thought for a while, then pressed the landline and asked the assistant to arrange the exam.

Lin Zifan breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you, Professor."

"Don't thank me in a hurry. This paper is very difficult. If she can't pass it, don't let her get discouraged. Go back and take part in more competitions. There is still a chance."

Lin Zifan smiled: "She will definitely pass."

"You have to reach eighty points to pass." Shen Zhifeng reminded him.

"Will do!"

He bowed with a smile, and walked out with brisk steps.

The director of the photochemical laboratory asked, "Exam?"

"Recruiting newcomers? The time is wrong." Another director who was drinking tea also spoke.

Shen Zhifeng's brows were thoughtful: "This kid has been recommending the person, and he started to mention it to me last year. The other party's grades are not bad, ah, this year's college entrance examination champion, the one on the news."

"Oh, Tang Qianmiao." The man nodded, "She's a talent, so it's good to take her in."



"She has never participated in a science and technology competition, nothing like it, no certificate of award, and she is not up to the standard."

The other two were silent.

Shen Zhifeng: "But Zi Fan strongly recommends it, so I'll give her a chance to try."

"That paper is quite difficult, isn't it?"

Shen Zhifeng nodded: "That's right, it's very high. Even doctoral students may not be able to reach 60 points, so do I, in order to let her retreat in spite of difficulties."

"Old Shen, isn't this too harsh?" The third director asked quietly, "Certificates are not very important, it mainly depends on her personal ability. You said you deliberately made things difficult for her. , what a pity."

Before the words were finished, the more serious professor on the side said: "You can't say that. Those who engage in scientific research must be rigorous. The rules set up at the beginning are not for decoration. If she breaks this exception, it will not be good for other students who have been eager to come in." It's not fair."

"Old Shen, I also support you. This child has just arrived. Let her study and study first, and then look at the situation after a year. During the period, let the teacher pay more attention to guide her to participate in some competitions and win an award. If even this If you can’t do it at all, you’re not eligible to come in.”

Seeing that many people agreed, Shen Zhifeng was in a happy mood.

"Then what if she passed the exam but didn't have a certificate of award?" asked the third director.

The other three looked at each other and smiled kindly and heartily.

Shen Zhifeng's silver teeth were exposed with a smile.

"As I said just now, doctoral students may not be able to get a passing score on that test paper. If she wants to pass, she must achieve more than 80 points."

"I mean, if."

Shen Zhifeng rubbed his chin, thought for a while, and said, "If you pass, let her in. It happens that the platform management department is short of manpower."

"Is this... suitable?"

"It's quite suitable. You can learn something by going there, and it won't affect our progress."

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