His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1165 Because of Tang Qianmiao, all her previous efforts were wasted!

Chapter 1165

Shi Chengan was overjoyed, "Did Tang Qianmiao send you the message?"

"I'm asking you something."

"I..." Shi Chengan glanced at the people next to him, and said again: "Can you go out and talk?"

Yu Manman lowered his head and looked at things indifferently: "Go out and deal with private matters."

Feng Chuchu walked out with a straight face.

Shi Chengan quickly followed.

Standing by the wall, Lin Wenyu still had traces of smiling at Shi Chengan at the corner of his mouth, but now he became stiff and embarrassed.

At Shi Chengan's casual glance just now, she subconsciously smiled, but the other party didn't see it at all.

It seems that they didn't even notice her existence.

"Man, I'll go out for a while."

Yu Man was absent-minded, waved his hand, and didn't speak.

There is a small balcony at the corner of the second floor, which is very quiet.

Lin Wenyu came to the side, as if walking there by accident to play with his mobile phone.

Shi Chengan's voice came.

"Chuchu, what happened that night was really my fault. I went there without checking with you. I was drunk by them. You also know that I can't drink well. Anyway, it's all my fault. I really didn't lie , I really thought you invited me to come over, don't you believe Tang Qianmiao's words?"

Feng Chuchu was silent.

After a while, she said with a little crying: "I don't care, whether you do it on purpose or not, in short, you just have physical contact with other girls, disgusting!"

"I knew I was wrong, I was really wrong, I took a shower many times after I went back that day, my arms were scratched, look. Chu Chu, nothing happened to us, really!"

"I won't listen, I won't listen!" Feng Chuchu became more and more excited.

The two quarreled fiercely. Feng Chuchu blamed Shi Chengan crying and scolding, but Shi Chengan kept apologizing and asked Feng Chuchu to beat him to calm down.

After listening for several minutes, Lin Wenyu didn't hear Feng Chuchu's suspicion that Tang Qianmiao was lying.

It seems that it is a letter.

Six minutes later, the cursing stopped, and only a low whimper remained.

Lin Wenyu looked over and saw Shi Chengan hugging Feng Chuchu, who seemed to have reconciled.

Her eyes trembled violently, the dazzling pain spread from the depths of her pupils, and her heart was half cold.

The two were reconciled again, and all her efforts were in vain!

"Tang Qianmiao!" She gritted her teeth and gritted the three words, full of hatred.


Qian Miao was taken by a group of people from the comic club to the office of the association.

As soon as we got to the door, we heard even louder voices than those from the student union just now.

"Why let us disband, no!"

"Don't disband, don't disband!"

This sound overwhelmed all the surrounding sounds, just like the street protests in TV dramas.

The president of the comic club glanced at Qian Miao and said, "These are all members of the Innovation Club. I heard that their performance in the previous year was not good. It seems that they are about to be disbanded."

Another member followed up and said: "They are worse than us. This year they couldn't recruit a new person. Last year, two-thirds of them quit the society. Now there are only six people left, and four of them are from the original establishment. The elders of the club, the two girls are the girlfriends of two of the elders, it's miserable."

Qian Miao took a look at the people inside, it was indeed four men and two women who were arguing endlessly with the staff.

She met the two staff members who were in charge once. It was a man and a woman who announced in the tone of a boss in the square last time that she could work in the Federation of Associations.

The woman has a ponytail tied, her face is very fleshy, her facial features are flat, she has a very soft face, but because of her sharp eyes, it makes people disgusted. The boy's skin is dark, his facial features are ordinary, and he has no characteristics. At this time, his face is also impatient.

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