His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1181 This...it can't be...it's her!

Chapter 1181

He was so serious that no one else dared to speak.

Luo Fei was also frightened by his sharp eyes, and couldn't say what he said.

The atmosphere is dull.

Qian Miao said slowly: "Professor Shen, as far as I know, this batch of equipment is for the use of all teachers and students in the school, as long as the purpose is legitimate, it can be used."

Shen Zhifeng chuckled: "Girl, who did you hear this from? Why can't what I said myself compare to your false news?"

Qian Miao took out her mobile phone slowly, looked down, and said, "The professor has always emphasized the rules. I'm curious, who sets the rules here? Is it the school, or you personally?"

"It's a strange question. Are you suspecting that we have acted improperly?" Someone said.

"Innocence is only for curiosity."

Shen Zhifeng said in a deep voice: "This batch of new equipment is very expensive and expensive, and it is only for laboratory use."

"Professor, who said this?"

"This is the rule!"

"Then, I take the liberty to ask, is the sponsor qualified to use this batch of equipment?"

"Sponsor?" Shen Zhifeng sneered: "What do you propose the investor to do? It has nothing to do with you."

After the words fell, a bell rang suddenly, very abrupt!

Everyone turned their heads to look at the place where the voice came from - Yu Manman.

Yu Manman looked down and was pleasantly surprised: "It's Mr. Bai, Mr. Bai is calling!"

Shen Zhifeng's eyes lit up, like everyone else, for a while, no one noticed Qian Miao and the others, and no one noticed that Qian Miao's cell phone was in a call connection.

Yu Manman immediately connected the phone and pressed the speakerphone.

"Hello, Mr. Bai, I'm Yu Manman who contacted you yesterday. I'm very sorry to disturb you. That's right. We're going to hold a celebration here tomorrow night. I really hope you can come."

There was a moment of silence.

Everyone is very nervous.

Shen Zhifeng had already subconsciously thought that the other party was a man of his age, so he was also very nervous for a while, looking forward to the other party's response.

at this time--

"I'm already here."

The cold female voice rang "twice".

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Then, someone changed his face.

Yu Manman's smile disappeared in an instant, and he suddenly turned to look at Tang Qianmiao.

Tang Qianmiao was standing calmly holding her mobile phone.

"This... this can't be..."

"Mr. Bai?"

"Is it wrong?"

Shen Zhifeng's first reaction was to make a mistake: "Manman, what's going on!"

Yu Manman thought for a while and said, "Professor Liu must have given me the wrong number!"

She looked at Qian Miao with blame in her eyes: "No wonder I made several calls but no one answered. You know my number, so it's okay if you don't know how to answer it. After seeing my text message, you don't know Reply telling me that the number is wrong?"

Everyone showed disappointed expressions.

Qian Miao hung up the phone and said, "The phone number is correct."

Many people's hearts were raised again immediately.

Yu Manman frowned: "You mean, you are an investor, Mr. Bai?"

He said this with a smile, as if he was telling a joke.

Everyone wanted to laugh, except for two people, one was Shi Yuqi with the expression of watching a play, and the other was Lin Zifan with a dazed expression.

"Xiao Miao, you said before that you are investing in a project, which is our project?!"

Qian Miao didn't hide it: "Yes."

"Damn!" Lin Zifan couldn't hold back, and called out all of a sudden.

With his words, the credibility basically comes up!

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