His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1195 Is Yu Manman also an experimental subject?

Chapter 1195

When Da Cang came over, she didn't listen to a word of the teasing words he said.

Even Feng Xian approached, she didn't notice it immediately as usual.

In the whole brain, there is only the familiar smell of blood and dense feeling.

She walked to the place where Yu Manman fell down just now, and the smell of blood became stronger.

That familiar feeling gradually pulled out some fragmented memories in her brain, and several pictures flashed before her eyes, with a bit of uncertainty.

"What's wrong?" Feng Xian asked.

"No, I'll tell you when I'm sure."

"What are you two talking about? The weather is nice today, let's go out and have fun." Cang Ze crossed over and said.

Qian Miao glanced at him, but was thinking in her mind.

Cang Zeyue was frightened by her: "What's wrong with me?"

Feng Xian: "She's not looking at you, she's thinking."

Cang Zeyue: "She is clearly looking at me!"

Feng Xian: "Seeing is not watching."

Cang Zeyue: "I don't want to talk to you."

Ten minutes later, the group of them returned to the compound, just in time to see the back of Yu Manman walking away.

She changed her clothes to completely cover her white arms that were originally exposed.

Qian Miao came to the bathroom of the guest room and walked around in it. The smell of blood was so faint that it almost disappeared.

There is no smell left in the trash can, there is in the sink, and in the toilet.

The paper to wipe the blood was washed away.

She called Lu Wanyu and Wei Wu to her room and stayed there for half an hour.

During this period, Wei Wu collected all of Yu Manman's personal information.

Lu Wanyu showed her the blood sampling data kept in the laboratory.

Wei Wu stared at the information on the computer, and said: "Yu Manman has left home twice in the past ten years, and the first time was between the ages of eight and ten. The people over there advocate force, and families with conditions will learn ancient martial arts.

The second time was when she was fifteen years old and went to Jindan country alone to look for her baby lover. It seemed that she wanted to break off the engagement, but the family disagreed, so she went to find her by herself. "

Lu Wanyu leaned her head closer: "Miaomiao, why are you checking her all of a sudden?"

Wei Wu: "She may be in the same situation as the tall woman last time."

Qian Miao nodded: "Well, I do have this suspicion, but I'm not sure yet."

Lu Wanyu thought for a while: "It's very likely, she was flustered when she left just now, there must be some secret."

Wei Wu glanced at the information, and said again: "About her medical examination information, it shows that there is no abnormality, either it has been dealt with, or we think too much."

"She has a prominent background, so it stands to reason that she is an experimental subject..." Lu Wanyu thought for a while and narrowed her eyes: "Who is the person who controls those experimental subjects?"

Qian Miao closed her eyes and rested her head on her hands: "We didn't investigate this matter."

Wei Wu: "Yes, the last time the official people found out about this matter from Haixi, they took over. Now they don't know the situation of Miaomiao and me. Miaomiao, if Yu Manman is really the experimental subject , shall we inform the authorities?"

Qian Miao opened her eyes: "First find out her condition. She is different from other experimental subjects. First, her freedom is not controlled. Second, her skin condition is the same as that of ordinary people. In short, it is still the same as the previous batch of experiments. body is different.”

Wei Wu: "I'll find time to take a look at her. If there are traces of X on her body, it will be easy."

"Well, let's do that first."

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