His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1203 Not very satisfied

Chapter 1203

The members of the Innovation Comic Club were all very excited, gearing up and waiting to be shown on stage.

In addition to themselves, they are more concerned about the results of the Peking University team that they have always dreamed of entering.

After waiting for half an hour, Shen Zhifeng appeared with two robots.

This project has been the subject of much attention since its inception, and almost everyone is staring at him and the two robots at the moment.

He didn't hold anything in his hand, walked onto the stage empty-handed, and stood in the display area.

The robot in front of it has its eyes closed, and its skin is lifelike using human-skin technology. The appearance is a standard Asian appearance, he is male, and his height is about 1.8 meters.

Shen Zhifeng was bathed in the light, his eyes were proud, and he said calmly: "These two robots are new robots that we have developed day and night for eighteen months. The one on the left is called Xiaolong, and it is an industrial robot. The robot can assist in the development of most large-scale projects; the one on the right is a medical robot, and its powerful medical system can assist medical staff to overcome more difficult and miscellaneous diseases.”

After a brief introduction, he activated the robot switch and began to demonstrate the robot's functions.

For the convenience of display, they arranged a simulation space to simulate the real large-scale engineering operation environment, and then put Xiaolong into it to see how it can assist the project.

The figure of the robot appeared on the large display screen.

First of all, in the metal forming simulation space, the robot can easily cope with the high-strength, high-dust, high-noise, high-temperature and high-humidity working environment, work stably and efficiently, and perform well.

The metal forming manufacturing environment has always been difficult, it is not easy to recruit people, and the damage to the human body is not small. It has always been one of the headaches for related companies. Now that Xiaolong can handle it with ease, applause roared.

The next one is the seabed environment simulation space. On the seabed, resistance to water pressure is one of the most important points. Xiaolong is immersed in a special simulated water tank, and the pressure conditions in the water tank can be changed through human control.

Every time a certain pressure is reached, it corresponds to the corresponding seabed depth.

After a while, Xiaolong's red light came on, and it automatically came out of the water tank. At the same time, the screen showed that the depth of diving into the deep sea was 5,000 meters!

There was another thunderous applause.

Due to the limited time, Xiaolong's display ended here, and other small functions such as digging, picking goods, etc. Shen Zhifeng brought it over with a few words.

Xiaolong walked to his original position with stiff steps and stood up.

The other robot has a relatively large shape, with a 15-inch display screen in the middle of its stomach, which is white in color as a whole.

The assistant came to the stage and lay down on the detection platform connected to the robot. The robot received the message, and in less than a minute, the brain and nerve health status of the person was displayed on the screen.

The short presentation came to an end, and the judges gave these two products high marks.

However, due to the excessive investment in the premise, the cost aspect may be unattainable for many companies. In this regard, they have received an A rating.

The highest rating, is S.

Shen Zhifeng was not satisfied.

There were no special expressions on the faces of several academicians, and they didn't discuss any more after exchanging a few sentences.

Seeing the expressions of these people, Yu Manman was very dissatisfied.


Lin Zifan said: "Normally, they are all people who have seen the big world. Our country's robot technology is relatively backward, and it is not as good as foreign ones. Naturally, there is no surprise."

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