His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1228 Brother Xian is jealous again

Chapter 1228

She was about to look for medicine, but someone grabbed her hand.

Looking back, Tang Xin raised his head and looked at her with beautiful eyes: "I asked Apa to send him there."

Appa is his little friend and artificial intelligence.

After a while, a round white ball that was only half a meter high slid in, staring at the three antennas above its head, dangling and very cute.

Although Tang Xin is quiet, he wrote it as a talkative system, and every time he appears on stage, he is accompanied by the humming sound.

Qian Miao put the noodles on the tray, and Appa was about to turn around, when suddenly, there was another thing in the tray - an electric peace dove.

That was made by Tang Xin himself. Besides being able to fly, it can also be used as a smart phone. The pigeon has a mechanism in its head. With a twist, the whole body can automatically form a smart machine, and it can also be transformed into a watch, like a Transformer, which can be changed at will.

This thing, Qian Miao has one.

Seeing Tang Xin's move, she smiled.

Feng Xian was approved by him.

He rarely sees new people because it makes him nervous, but he has his own way of being friendly.

Appa will be out soon.

The two items were delivered to Feng Xian's hands, and the pasta was still hot.

He picked up the pigeon and looked at it, and saw a line of words on the display under the belly: If you treat her badly, I will kill you.

He looked at the threatening words for a while, but smiled lightly.

Little girl, there are quite a lot of buddies.

is a good thing.

He accepted the threat and left a note as he left

As night fell, the two had been away for a while.

Tang Xin came out of the room, came to the living room, and saw the note.

【rest assured. 】

The note was pressed by a watch, like exchanging gifts.

Tang Xin picked up the watch and stared at it for a long time.


In the car, the driver focused on driving the car and rushed to the city.

In the back seat, Feng Xianjing looked at Qianmiao showing him how to play with the dove of peace, with a smile in his eyes.

First it became a mobile phone, then a watch, and then a pigeon again.

She suddenly became a chatterbox, using all kinds of words to introduce this little technology to him.

Feng Xian slid close to her eyes, his eyes showed indulgence, but said: "When you mention him, your eyes are full of tenderness."

"Of course, he is my very precious family."

Her peach blossom eyes were stained with a smile, "He is very smart, he has completed all his homework ahead of time at home, and has applied for patents for many inventions. I have a company here, and he usually supervises it, but he doesn't need to be there. He helped make my ring and hearing aid, he..."

The black shadow pressed down and pressed against her face.

The man blocked her small words with kisses, blocking those words that scratched his heart.


The return trip was a bit far, and they arrived at the gate of the Jiang family just at nine o'clock.

When Qian Miao got out of the car, she pursed her swollen lips, her face was still hot.

"It's here." She glanced at the plaque on the gate, and the word "Jiangfu" was written in gold letters.

The entire courtyard is full of retro style, giving people the illusion of entering a costume filming scene.

Feng Xian pressed the doorbell, but no one answered.

Qian Miao said: "He is at home, I heard."

Feng Xian understood, "It seems that they deliberately made things difficult for us."

As soon as the voice fell, the door in front of him suddenly opened.

"Please come in, both of you."

Feng Xian led Qian Miao into the room, and the places he passed were very quiet.

After bypassing the screen wall behind the door, the two came to the front yard. As soon as they stepped in, all the surrounding lights suddenly went dark, and it was pitch black in front of the two of them!

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